Jul 27, 2016
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Letting go. It's a goal that each and every one of us reach towards. It's difficult, takes time, and patience. But in the in long run, you will feel everything that has held you back be lifted off your shoulders and you will feel better. You will discover the new you. What ever is holding you back, you have to remember how grateful and how much more you have than others. What holds us back in the past is what makes us take life, love, people in our lives, happiness, for granted. The past is the past, it's a learning experience which allows us to reflect and take the experience into a mature and understanding position for the present day and the future. We shouldn't forget our past because it is a part of our story, and the past should allow us to move forward once we come to terms with understanding what is holding us in the past and how to accept these terms. Understanding and accepting the past takes a process, but once completed, you will feel relief, empathy, sympathy, compassion, love, and trust in others, ourselves, our future, our present, all of this is learning from the past. Don't take the journey alone, you are surrounded by people who are there to pull you out from the past and help you take one step at a time.
Aug 3, 2016
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I do not know if you really can let go like that but you might missing out on a newer better reality if your always focused on what was. As my mother said, change comes whether we like it or not - you have to accept things change but maintain happy thoughts and find a way to be happy in your new life
Aug 11, 2016
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Know that your past is gone and you can't relive it. Move forward and strive to be very very happy.
Aug 25, 2016
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Personally I believe that a person does not have to let go of their past. A person must be able to grow and move forward from their past. We should not blow off our pasts and forget they ever happened. The point of having a past or a story is to help others with it. We can use our past/stories to give encouragement to others who are discouraged or feeling sad about the situations they are stuck in. Our pasts shape us into the people we are today without our pasts we would all be the same. If everyone was the same the world would be boring. It is important to keep our paths but it is even more important to learn not to dwell in them. Dwelling in your past and holding on to the negative or hard feelings that came with it can be an unhealthy thing to do. It could bring you down and effect your lives and the lives around you. To make sure you do not dwell in your past you need to be sure that you have healed from it completely, have dealt with all of your emotions, accepted your decisions and what happened, think about what you have learned from it, forgive yourself and others, seek professional help, and decide to move on. I hope this answered your question :)
Aug 25, 2016
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Every time you think about the past, interrupt yourself and say awesome words, empowering words, remember that the past can't be changed. The future awaits,my friend!
Aug 27, 2016
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Moving on is not just forgetting your past and moving on. It's about accepting what has happened and then just letting it go and then moving on.
Oct 20, 2016
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letting go of the past is the hardest, yet most beneficial thing you can do. stressing about something that is said and done and you cannot change, will only harm you. it's all about acceptance. accept what has happened and let whatever it was be a lesson to avoid in the future.
Oct 27, 2016
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You don't really let go of your past, you just come to terms with it. You accept that it was part of your experience. SO when you accept it, you accept the ups and downs of life. Your past define your present, but it's your present that defines your future. So accept the past, and change the present so that your future turns out to be as bright as you. :)
Aug 20, 2017
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The past always haunts you. Anyone who tells you letting go is easy is lying to you. But the past doesn't have to consume you, it doesn't have to determine who you will be.
A great step is finding people who understand where you come from, but are willing to see you become who you want to be. It might be hard to believe, but are a lot of people out there who can understand your past, and understand your desire to beat it. They might not have an immediate solution, but at the very least, they can help give you a little bit more strength towards the journey towards constantly striving forward.
Feb 17, 2018
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well, you have to remember that your past may of been tough but right now you're in the present, so learn from your mistakes, and challenges and look forward whilst becoming wiser and more ready for life. it's not that easy of course but you can't change your past what you can do is look at your life now and plan for your future!
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