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How do we forgive people that mislead us maybe intentionally or by accident?

Profile: SilentSerenityy
SilentSerenityy on Mar 10, 2017 more
It is easier to forgive someone if we believe their actions were accidental but it can be harder if they intentionally wanted to mislead/hurt us. Think of forgiveness as something that is beneficial to you and not all about them! Holding onto anger and sadness only hurts us and affects our mental health, it also gives that person a level of control over us still, even if they're not in our lives. It may be useful to check out this guide -
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Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on May 16, 2017 more
What helps me lessen bitterness is thinking why those people might have ended up doing those things. None of us choose to be born on this planet, and we go through experiences we didn't choose. Those life experiences (and genetics etc.) shape the person we become. This raises a question - do people have full control over how they end up behaving in situation X? Perhaps not. Living this pretty chaotic life easily results in us making bad choices, even being hurtful to one another. This perspective helps me when I'm angry or disappointed in someone, or myself.
Profile: TogetherForeverAlways
TogetherForeverAlways on Jan 29, 2018 more
Be compassionate and understanding. If it was by accident you can just forget, if it was intentionally do your best to forgive
Profile: endearingLion70
endearingLion70 on May 28, 2018 more
The act of forgiveness is for us not for them. It enables us to go forward rather then get stuck in the past.
Profile: Shelly7777777
Shelly7777777 on Oct 13, 2020 more
well, that is really a good question. For me, forgive is a really hard but important class. I am still learning how to forgive too. At the beginning, I don't really thought forgive is necessary, but so many people told me that forgive may help you happiness. So I am start trying. It is really a long journey to me, hard but still trying. My experiences told me that if something make you happier, then try it, but never forget protect yourself. Someone I forgive, we become good friend, but there still someone, you forgive them, but they may hurt you again. So what I am doing is : I may will forgive you, but if try to hurt me again, I will just stay with you.
Profile: ninak1234
ninak1234 on Mar 15, 2022 more
Having to forgive someone is one of the ultimate tests for an individual. Forgiveness is hard, especially if the individual has intentionally misled you. Yet, I believe that forgiveness is something that needs to be done for you and not for another person. This is also called transformational forgiveness. Loving oneself means that sometimes we need to forgive others, even if they don't deserve it, in order to heal from our past and move forward in our lives. We need to forgive others, not for them, but for ourselves. The lack of forgiveness hurts us, more than it hurts them. It is essential to clear negative emotions out of one's life and to look at the other individual's perspective. Every individual has a reason behind what they have done and if you see that their reason was with pure malintent, forgive them anyway. Even if it is just telling yourself you forgive them.
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