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Profile: pointome
pointome on Aug 31, 2015 more
As a teenager myself, I can say that the cause may be 2 things - 1. You. You may sometimes be rude ro her, not even realising it. Everyday small things you don't notice may make Your daughter act that way towards you. Try paying attention to those moments, for example, when she drops a glass and it breaks, you say "That happens to everybody!" and help her clean up, instead of screaming at her. 2 - something outside of the family life. She may have just lost a friend, she's doing bad at school. You could try and help her. That's what I can think of :)
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Profile: aparnakher
aparnakher on Mar 18, 2015 more
Well I am answering this question as the teenage daughter i hope thats okay. the thing is, we don't want to be rude or anything in particular...we are at an age where our hormones scream and shout inside us. we tend to care more about ourselves and our friends and the *glittery* stuff that usually goes away with age. We realise that we are being rude most of the times, but we don't say it out loud because our egos are high during teenage. We know you love and care about us, and we reciprocate it equally. :) Sorry and thank you, dear moms
Profile: bubblingLove76
bubblingLove76 on Jul 21, 2015 more
Some teenagers are rude to everyone. Try not to take it personally. She will grow out of this stage and become your very best friend. Sincerely, A former rude daughter.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Aug 17, 2015 more
She could be acting out because she wants to seek more attention from you and needs some sort of emotional help or support. No one just acts out because they enjoy it. Maybe you could try asking her what has been bothering her and listening to her compassionately, and asking her if she needs help with anything or would like to discuss anything with you. Just remember to be compassionate, caring and loving when you are listening and you will begin to understand why she is truly acting out and build a stronger connection between you 2, built on communication and trust.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Oct 11, 2015 more
IDK if this is the problem, but my mom and I don't get along and the reason I don't respect her is she doesn't respect me. She thinks that because she's the mom, she's in control and anytime I have an opinion, she shuts it down, because it's a threat to her power. Obviously, this isn't a contentious thing. Next time this happens, actually think about what it might have been that you did and don't react right away. When we are angry, the reasonable part of our brain shuts down so take a break, do something else, and then, when you know you are calm, think about the situation. Was there anything you could've done better? Don't know if this is helpful, cuz I don't know the situation, but this is my take on it from what I know.
Profile: Polyethanase
Polyethanase on Jun 17, 2015 more
Other than the common answer of teenage hormones, there is also a large psychological aspect to it as well. Personally, I never got along with my mother because she constricted me to her. However this may be the opposite for other girls. Perhaps they desire more affection, but lash out in order to get it. It's a very tricky situation.
Profile: Oceanlove
Oceanlove on Jul 7, 2015 more
It's hard to answer without knowing all the ins and outs. Maybe she feels a certain way or maybe she's just hormonal. Talking with her may help. I went through this with my mum. I didn't realise how rude I was being, but my mum also didn't realise how some things she did effected me. She would try to talk to me about it all but she'd get so emotional and that would cause her to say it in a way where it all seemed like my fault and like she had done nothing wrong. So try and sympathise with your daughter, it could be something you didn't realise was upsetting her. But a big part of the teenage years is hormones and for some reason they're pretty hard to deal with. There could be stress at school or something else in her life. I realise it must be very hard for you too, try and explain that to her in a calm way which puts your pint across effectively.
Profile: kindheart14
kindheart14 on Oct 9, 2015 more
As a teenager they really face many challenges both inside and outside the family. They are trying very hard to cope up with those challenges. Teenage is the stage where they usually learn more about how to manage their emotions, attitude and personal care. So whichever things they face in teenage they see it as a challenge because they are mentally and physically preparing themselves to be strong. Even small things can look bigger to them and so is your action towards your daughter. She doesn't expect you to treat her the same way you used to do before and she doesn't know how to express it to you either. So please don't worry dear mom. Your daughter is always your daughter and her love is always the same, she may be rude without knowing that she hurts you because of teenage and eventually she will realize it.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Nov 16, 2015 more
Have you tried seeing her side? Sometimes we feel very cornered, like we don't have a voice. It makes us lash out or feel defensive. Maybe something is going on at school. The best thing to do would be to talk to her about it
Profile: beautifulParadise07
beautifulParadise07 on May 31, 2015 more
Actually there are many factors. Respect begets respect. If you wanted yiur child to have a respect on you, try to respect him/her first. So that your child can have a model on what does it feel to be respected and how does it feel to put on a respect to someone. Second, maybe you haven't given him time and presence that's why he is away from your feelings. the third is that you failed to discipline him/her as a child. All I can advice now is to have heart to heart talk to your child and ask him/her if she has a problem with you. :) All things work together through communication. :)
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Sep 29, 2015 more
Unfortunately through tough times the ones closest to us are the ones who get mistreated. And in particular during puberty, teenagers are not sure how to express what their going through in the most appropriate manner.
Profile: Greatlistener87
Greatlistener87 on Apr 25, 2016 more
There is a time in a teenagers life that they will face a rebellion stage. This stage is the toughest for any parent. You just have to find a way to communicate with them in this stage and make sure that when you do it does not trigger them but causes them to realize what they are doing.
Profile: PoetaSinVersos
PoetaSinVersos on Jan 16, 2015 more
Maybe she feels like you will never ever understand her. The only thing you can do is to try talking to her by interesting in her hobbies and problems. I find my father far from my heart and now he puts an effort and we get along just fine. I used to be rude to him and argue almost always as I felt he'll judge me and punish me for being me.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jul 27, 2015 more
Teenagers are often going through developmental changes which make them more self-orientated, but also desire respect. It is important to support them, provide appropriate boundaries and give them time.
Profile: goldenPumpkin55
goldenPumpkin55 on Jun 23, 2015 more
Every teenager is like that, whatever you do just try winning her over by things she like instead of pushing her away. Like make her foods she like, pizza whatever, tickets to her favorite artist, take her to places she wants to go etc...
Profile: HereToHelpYou742
HereToHelpYou742 on Aug 16, 2016 more
Its a way for them to keep things that are personal to them and away from the people they don't want to know about. The deflect what it bothering them
Profile: BlissfulSummer
BlissfulSummer on Feb 13, 2017 more
Teenager phase is difficult to go through. There can be many reasons for such behaviour. They are dealing with alot of things (Self esteem issues , acceptance etc.) in this stage and they are not able to share everything with you , they feel that elders won't understand. Sometimes these emotions that are bottled up within the individual can cause anger and frustration which is taken out on others.
Profile: JuneForever
JuneForever on Aug 14, 2017 more
It's apart of socialization. From birth, children begin to socialize. This begins with their family. Then spreads out to their friends, sports groups, and other recreational groups. The superego part of the children's brain wants them to follow social norms. And sadly, one of those norms are that children will talk back and try to gain independence from their family. This isn't a bad thing- in fact growing independent is vital for them. It can definitely be hard to go through as a parent as they will be less likely to respect you and start to disobey you.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Aug 18, 2020 more
Adolescence doesn't make sense. Every one starts going through changes and experiencing a lot of change. A lot of teenagers aren't so nice to their parents. at lot of them feel like their parents just don't get it. All you can do is try your best to be there for them and try to understand them. Sometimes you do your best and it doesn't make a difference. Often teenagers who were pretty rude to their parents will have great relationships with them when they're older. Teens are going through a lot and that's not your fault. All you can do is your best.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Dec 5, 2017 more
Why are you assassinating her character? All creatures large and small resent being labeled and put in a box, or being told where to go or what to do. They love, at least, the illusion of freedom. If someone is being rude to you, it's most likely because they see you as the source of repression in their lives, whether it's deserved or not. Often, we can get stuck only seeing reality from our viewscreen, and forget what it's like for someone else to be around us.
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