What age is too young to leave home?
Jul 4, 2016
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I would say under 18 is too young. It's best to do so when you're legally an adult, then you can do what you want i.e. get a loan, mortgage, house etc.
Oct 22, 2016
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What is the circumstance around the youth leaving home? Does the youth want to leave home, and if so, why? If the youth feels they are not in a healthy environment, they can have a safe conversation with a school counsellor, doctor, or local police officer if the situation is at all physical. In specific circumstances, youths can legally leave their parents custody but circumstances and age remain independent varies from location to location. Research your local laws on youth emancipation.
Dec 23, 2017
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In my country,which is Malaysia,you complete your study at the age of 17.After 17,you may choose to continue your studies or start to find a job or marry and start a family.Therefore,in my opinion,16 is already too young to leave home.Keep in mind that you still have some quality time with your family and your family need you too.So,unless you are orphan,remember that there's still time to enjoy your time not paying your own bills.
May 2, 2018
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I think if you can support yourself on your own and have a stable place to go and a stable way to live, it is your right to leave when you want to.
Mar 17, 2019
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In most countries, the legal age to leave home is 16 years old. At 16, at least in my country, you can leave home without the permission of your parents or caregivers. The only time you would be made to come home is when your life is in danger. As I previously said, 16 is basically when you can leave without a parents concent. Therefore, Anyone below the age of 16 would be too young and would require their parents or caregivers permission.
Nov 15, 2020
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Depends a lot on the home, I'd say. And of course on the legal system of your country. Leaving home to live by yourself is probably only a good idea if you're able to support yourself, i.e. earn money and keep your place clean and running besides your education (or whatever it is you're normally doing). And even then it is a question of whether the troubles of doing that are proportionate to the benefits of not being in your previous home anymore, whatever those might be. If you're thinking about moving out, I recommend you make a few inquiries and calculations in that direction first.
If you are too young to legally live on your own, there's a whole other dimension there of things you need to consider. You can probably find a few resources online detailing the laws for that (which would give you the technical answer to your question) and hopefully also some helplines or similar that you can call or text about your concrete situation. Those helplines would probably still help you even when you're older.
From personal experience, I'll say this; tenacity helps a lot. I've had a lot of rough times at home over the last eight years and I've contemplated leaving more than once, but I'm still here. Things have gotten calmer and catastrophies fewer as both me and my parents have gotten older, and now that I've got a degree and a job, I'm - some would say ironically - feeling much less eager to leave. Knowing now that I can leave at any time, I'll do it in my own time. Still, it's been tough - but I like to think that a lot of things would have been a lot tougher otherwise.
Again, it's up to you to judge the severity your issues at home compared to the challenges and demands of a self-supporting life, or, if you're too young to make that work legally, life with another family or in an institution.
Jun 23, 2016
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I would go with if you are 18 and above then you are an adult and should be capable to live by urself.
Jun 30, 2016
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There really isn't a set age for that but usually by society standards you should be at least 16 to leave home and preferably 18 years old. But everyone has different circumstances and it all depends on those circumstances.
Jul 3, 2016
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If you are not able to lay out your plans -Exactly-, its a bad idea to move out. But if there are people ready to catch you, there is no limit, sometimes, home is the worst place to be.
Jul 6, 2016
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An age that is too immature to take care of oneself. If someone is incapable of fending for themselves, they shouldn't leave home to live on their own.
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