How to stop hating your mother?
Dec 31, 2016 more
Think about the reasons for why you hate her. Separate those reasons into two groups, the little things and the big things. Then, when it comes to the little things, get over it. If it comes to the big things, talk to your mother about it in a calm manner. If she is one of those that only hear what they want, then just survive and work hard on getting your own place. Say hi to her every now and then, and live your life. But don't hate your mother. Hate is a strong word. She could've easily thrown you into a lake as a babe.
May 20, 2016 more
It's easy to start hating someone more learning. To love them. But you're mother is some one you should always love. Beucase she brought you to life went through the pain of giving birth and brought you up. She might make mistakes but at the end of the day if anyone was to ever have your back it would be your mother. I know it from experience. So it might be hard but have to try your maximum to understand the root cause of the conflit( if you two are in one) and accept the fact the fact that she's your mother and she has put up with you and all of your troubles when you were a baby and went throu all of the troubles of protecting you. You must realize that hating your mother would never bring you any good. You'll only be mad and that's going to be bad for your health. And you'll be hurting the heart of the person who loves you more than her life. It's about understanding, accepting, carrying on.
May 20, 2016 more
Your mother is trying her hardest to take care of you and if that means that she has to make some hard decisions that may end up making you hate her she will do them. Understand that your mother loves you and try to talk to her about your feelings.
Apr 21, 2016 more
First of all try to know why you hate her. For me, I considered my mother to be perfect who cannot make mistakes and so it was hard for me to accept her. Someone recommend me to look at my mother as a person and not as my mother. Analyse what needs to be done to improve your realtion with her, if it can't be improved then for some time till you can't figure it out, stay away from her and tell her that you need to figure things out and need a break. Other than that, it's natural to hate someone whom you love so much so it's Okay if you feel so. I hope you figure something out. All the best :)
Jul 28, 2017 more
Sometimes there's no simple way to redevelop a bad relationship with someone. However, that doesn't mean you have to hate them.Practice letting go of negative emotion towards her and try and understand the negatives for what they are. Let go of the hatred is the easy part, healing the relationship is difficult if that is indeed your goal.
Jul 8, 2016 more
Hmmm, take a break if at all possible. We all go through these types of feelings with people some times in our lives. The best way to just release these feelings is to take a step back and just relax. Once your head is clear and your emotions or feelings are calm, consider talking to them. If your communication falls into anger again, back off a bit again. Both of you have some feelings and concerns and the sooner you can manage to talk this through, the quicker the hate feeling will subside. Also, seek help if it really gets a bit much.
May 20, 2016 more
First, you have to stop looking at your mother as a burden, she is the woman who brought you in this world. Second, forgive her for things she may have done to offend you. Show her you love her, and if you don't then that's something you have to work on deep within yourself.
Aug 18, 2017 more
I've made myself that question so many times! And forgiveness is the answer. Accept and move on. You don't actually have to forgive her for what she did, maybe she didn't realise it. Most of the time parents don't know how much they harm their children. We can be better than them. We can move on, and accept that they can make mistakes too. Just like us.
Apr 9, 2016 more
By accepting her flaws, accepting your own flaws, and giving her support when she needs it without asking for anything in return.
May 2, 2016 more
First of all i will tell you, it's okey if you understand what i'm saying? Because it can be many reason you do hate here right? First of all it's important to don't deny and exept that you feel that way.. and then try to work with how not feeling these? how to make it better make sense? And then also, Maybe try to figuere aout what you or here or both can do, to not hate here? And also try to put yourself in here shoes :) But first of all yourself! Good luck!
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