Hi there, my name's Charlie.
I'm 17 and have gone through a lot of difficulty in my short life. I know what it's like to feel in pain and have no one to talk to, so I want to break the cycle of selfishness so no one has to feel that way again.
Typically, I prefer to help people in similair situations to the ones I've been through. Hence, I can help with problems of anxiety, negative emotion, mild OCD, work stress, creative stress, self esteem, religion, and family abuse and/or struggle.
If you have issues with any other topics including but not limited to relationships, LGBT, serious OCD, bipolar, or general "life's not fair" kind of complaints then I'm not the listener for you.
I have knowledge of Ayuverdic healing remedies, Yogic and tantric breathing techniques, healthy eating, Tummo, sprituality, meditation, mindfulness and critical thinking for strong, happy and healthy life decisions.
Huge Lord of the Rings fan:
“Some believe it is only great power that can hold evil in check, but that is not what I have found. I found it is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay… small acts of kindness and love.” Gandalf
Please ensure you ask yourself before using 7 cups whether your situation really warrants help as this makes it easier to seperate and help people with genuine problems from those that say they "want to kill themselves because my dad didn't by me an Xbox and now I feel depressed".