How do I cope when my Mum and my Sister both talk to me about each other?
Feb 16, 2015 more
If you are uncomfortable with them speaking to you about each other, explain this to them. You don't need to be involved and you shouldn't have to be. Definitely worth mentioning to both of them.
Jun 8, 2015 more
Yikes! There really is no COPING with this situation, only solving. I would let them know that I feel really uncomfortable listening to one person talk about the other. If it seems serious enough, then they need to sit down and talk WITH each other to work it out, not ABOUT each other with someone else. You could serve as a mediator if you feel confident that you can help solve the problem with them. Can't force it though, they have to be ready and willing to help themselves!
Jul 6, 2015 more
Try to carefully give them insights of the other part's thoughts and oppinions without letting them know that you talk with both. They might understand the other part better and start talking to each other in constructive ways.
Jul 24, 2015 more
Well, I've gone through this (except with my Mom and Dad) Try to just give them your attention and don't let what they say negatively affect your view of the other.
Dec 1, 2015 more
I would sit them down together and see if we can sort out the issues, as it is not fair that I am in the middle.
Jul 7, 2015 more
If this is making you uncomfortable, it's best to set boundaries. Let both your sister and your mother know that if they have something to solve with each other, they should do so, but not through you as this might cause further problems, it can complicate things even more. If they blame you for not wanting to listen, it means they didn't appreciate the time and understanding you showed so far and they are trying to manipulate you into listening even further, against your will. Do not allow this kind of behavior as it's very toxic and it will affect you negatively.
Jul 9, 2015 more
Eesh; there really is no easy answer for this one. When people start talking ABOUT other people instead of talking TO those people, it generally indicates that something needs to be discussed. Personally, in my experience, trying to play the gentle moderator and let one know what the other said without dragging names into it will only end in heartache for you. Either someone will misunderstand; or there will be blame; or accusations of sides being taken.... If it was me - and I've had to learn several very hard lessons about this - I would let them each know that 1) it isn't fair for either of them to talk to you about the other as they're just putting you in the middle of whatever dispute is happening between them, and 2) that they should probably sit down together and discuss whatever the issue is. You can offer to be present if they'd like a neutral third party, but I would make it very clear that you aren't there to choose sides or cast blame; only to help them reconcile their differences.
Sep 29, 2015 more
Simply listen. I wouldn't try to put your opinion in but maybe try to get them to sit down together and sort it out.
Jan 11, 2016 more
Calmly tell each of them that you refuse to be the middle man and request they speak to each other directly. You can take yourself out of the situation if it is causing you harm by being open, honest, and direct with both of them. They may feel hurt at first, but if they love you, they will understand eventually why you asked to opt out of the situation.
If you'd like to stay in the situation and help the both of them, it may be helpful to remind each of them of each other's positive qualities.
Mar 15, 2016 more
this is a matter of many familys the only thing you can do is listen but do not get involved as every time they sort there selves out it all turns back to you.
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