Why is exercise important for me?
Jul 21, 2017
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Exercise is not important at all. Active life is. Being able to move, run, dance, play...now, and at old age, is important. Eating healthy and living an active life is the best thing you can do for yourself because if you're healthy, you can give your best at school, job and to your family
Jul 26, 2017
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Exercise helps me to quiet my busy mind, it does this by providing me with a physical task to focus on. Instead of thinking about everything I have done, havent done, should do, could do, feel unable to do, I am occupied with thoughts of my breath and my body. Achieving small goals in fitness and strength give me a sense of accomplishment, remind me that hard work toward a positive goal is rewarded. It also helps to reduce any aggression I feel through the usual frustrations in life by pushing against a physical obstacle in a productive (muscle making) way!
Aug 19, 2017
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Not exercising can lead to serious health problems like heart disease and diabetes. Excercise could boost confidence and improves energy levels
Aug 19, 2017
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Exercise is good for health. Most of doctors and healthcare experts advise us to exercise for many reasons. It also makes you generate endorfine, that improves your mood.
Sep 24, 2017
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It sounds like you're trying to convince yourself why you have to maintain a regular exercise regimen or you're simply trying to motivate yourself to find time each day to exercise and turn it into a habit. Whatever the case, I'm sure you have done your reading and you know the oft-touted benefits of exercise. But maybe you're struggling to keep at it, that's why you're looking for somebody to sell the idea to you, to really convince you, so that you believe so strongly in the power and potential of exercise to transform your health and life that you'll dedicate the time and energy to it. I'm sure the other answers have succeeded at doing that.
All I want to add is this: make it fun. Engage in an exercise that you look forward to rather than dread. Try out a bunch of new sports and explore a different kind of calorie burning activities/exercises and figure out which ones you barely require any motivation to do because you enjoy it *that* much. See if you would do it without feeling you have to for a particular reason.
Oct 9, 2017
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There are a lot of reasons - it prevents the chance of disease and heart problems, improves energy and health of the heart, physically strengths your body, controls body weight and burns fat, and overall improves quality of life.
Oct 11, 2017
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Exercise is one of the main things you need to have a healthy body and mind. When your muscles are not used, they will no longer function to their full extent. Your heart is also a muscle, thats why its important to get it pumping so it can always work its best to keep you healthy. Also, exercise helps boost your metabolism, which helps to keep you at a healthy weight. In short- If you want your body to funtion its best, and you want to stay healthy, exercise is crutial.
Nov 15, 2017
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Exercise is, generally, under-valued for its health benefits. Yes, we all know exercise is good for us, but that doesn't mean we all do it. Exercising changes our biology, gives us a rush of endorphins, making us feel better, but also gives us opportunities to challenge ourselves, learn something new and show progress. Success comes from making small, consistent steps towards a goal, and exercise is a great way to make these steps towards a healthier and happier life. Not to mention, the habit of performing exercise will extend into other habits, such as eating and sleeping. Generally speaking, those who exercise will also eat more healthily, and sleep more soundly.
Nov 15, 2017
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Things are important to different people for different reasons! Some people work out to improve their health, or their weight, or their looks, or their self-esteem. Some people enjoy the camaraderie. Some like the sweat! Others go for the adrenaline rush! Personally, I go to watch TV and turn my lunch hour into a positive experience. I hope you enjoy it as well!
Nov 17, 2017
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Exercise is important in every stage of our lives, regardless of the age (it will be adapted, of course). Exercise allows the body to go stronger and the mind to go calmer. It gives energy, pleasure, realeses endorphines (hormone which fights pain) and enhances self-esteem and confidence.
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