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How do I convince my over-protective parents to let me exercise?

Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jul 30, 2016 more
Why wouldn't a parent let their child excercize?? Tell them to Google why a child needs excersize.
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Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Oct 9, 2016 more
Do some homework before your next conversation with them about it. Make a list of the benefits excerising will have for you, and the benefits it will have for them. To be fair, make a list of any negative effects you can think of for you, and for them as the result of your exercise plans. This will help you see the issue objectively from their side which might help you find a better negotating ground. Ask yourself: why do I really, really want to exercise? Finally, consider some common ground you'd be willing to settle for in case things do not end completely in your favor. For example, consider suggesting that you only exercise at facilities or parks they agree on, or only on certain days or at certain times, for example. Be creative. Utimately, try not to be disappointed if they're still adamant. You can do little things at home to help exercise, like lifting heavy books, running in place to your favorie msuic, walking around the outside of the building, and so on! One day you will have the freedom to decide this for yourself, so you will always have that to look forward to.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Oct 30, 2016 more
You need to explain them that exercise is good for you and your health. You need to tell them that you will be safe and I good hands, so they don't need to be worried.
Profile: Greysmdl
Greysmdl on Nov 3, 2016
Exercise Motivation Expert more
Exercise is natural. Your body was made to be strong. It helps you think better. You could indeed get hurt exercising, but you could get hurt while walking around. People who run a lot get a runner's high, it is a feeling that is comparable to high end drugs, but is absolutely good for you.People who exercise at least moderately are less stressed, feel better, sleep easier, are generally happier, and can think better.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Aug 7, 2016 more
You should first ask why your parents are preventing you from exercise. Are you underweight, an under-eater, accident-prone, or have an eating disorder? If so, don't try to convince your parents to let you exercise, and instead work with them to resolve your problems first. Then move on to incorporate exercise into your healthy lifestyle.
Profile: RileyGalaxy
RileyGalaxy on Sep 8, 2016 more
You tell them it's what you need to do to be healthier. You let them know, *in a compassionate understanding tone* that it's about mental health, and physical health, and that YOU NEED it.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Aug 26, 2018 more
Try to have a talk with them. Let them see your point of view, and how that would give you such an incredible experience and let you able to learn more than just being protected by someone. Being able to go through an experience yourself is hundred times more useful than being told about it or staying in your comfort zone. Making this point clear to your parents could be helpful. Also, you could let them know that by that way they are only making you depend on them, and not letting you see the world or depending on yourself, so that you can act in hard situations.
Profile: Greatlistener87
Greatlistener87 on Aug 3, 2016 more
Research on the benefits of exercise and share it with them and also look for exercises that you can do together as a family and maybe you can make it a family thing.
Profile: MrsMemeQueen
MrsMemeQueen on Aug 4, 2016 more
Tell them you care about your health and that it is an important issue for you. If at this point they are still overly concerned then ask if possible they can monitor the exercise. more
Explain the many physical and cognitive benefits in engaging in working out and try to stick to safer work outs :) more
My parents were actually like that too. They were always afraid of me getting injured and thus were very opposed to my decision to join the cross country/track team at my school, and would constantly find ways to prevent me from continuing my training. However, had I not convinced them to allow me to sign up for these sports in high school, I would most likely not have developed the character traits and experiences that I have now. What is it that your parents are afraid of? If they have the same fears as my parents, you can assure them that you will be careful about injury prevention (be sure to follow up on your words, too, though!) There are many ways that you can prevent yourself from getting hurt on the field or even when you are at the gym for a simple workout (you can look them up online or consult a personal trainer or coach!) Not only will you prevent your own injuries from occurring, you become a stronger individual. Also, have you told your parents about the many benefits of exercising? If done properly, there are many benefits to working out or playing a team sport (depending on what it is you want to do), physiologically, mentally, and emotionally. If you are part of a team sport, you learn how to collaborate with other people which is an important skill to have later in life. In any sport, you learn how to set goals for yourself and persevere in the face of obstacles. Letting your parents know about these advantages may help to better convince them.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Aug 6, 2016 more
Tell them, that you want to start exercising because you care about your health and that it's important to you.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Aug 12, 2016 more
How about just ask them if you can go and run in the garden or play or have an ice cream. Kick a ball around.
Profile: Clpudylane
Clpudylane on Sep 7, 2016 more
Let them know that it is going to keep you healthy and maybe offer them to come along at the begining until they feel comfortable that you are okay to do it on your own.
Profile: FriendlyKitten
FriendlyKitten on Sep 25, 2016 more
They protect you, because they want you to be well. If you exercise it might even make this task easier for them as you would be happier. Try showing them it. Have a nice day!
Profile: HummingWisdom179
HummingWisdom179 on Oct 1, 2016 more
Prove what you are capable of doing to them, as they will continue to doubt your ability regardless of how much you argue.
Profile: KindBean2002
KindBean2002 on Oct 12, 2016 more
Exercise is very good for your body, and it's very healthy. Not everyone has the motivation to exercise. Tell them they should be happy for you! You can exercise at home, if public places is a problem for them or something :)
Profile: Rosieee22
Rosieee22 on Nov 25, 2016 more
I'm not really sure about what to say because I have over protective parents as well, and they encourage me to exercise, but you can tell them that exercise has tons of benefits such as making your heart healthier, making you stronger, making you healthier mentally as well, boosting confidence, burning calories and strengthening your muscles, reducing stress, and sweating out toxins. Also keep in mind that there are many different ways to exercise, and I don't understand why they wouldn't let you exercise at all. For example, there are many exercises that you can do on your couch or in your bed whole you are watching tv or doing homework or something like that. You can find tons of different at-home workouts on youtube (such as the Icon UK channel that includes short, easy workouts and fun, easy dance workouts.)
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Dec 18, 2016 more
I would first speak to them to ask about what it is they're being over-protective about and try to understand their viewpoint. Then, try to get them to understand your viewpoint, whatever it is, such as reasons for exercising and so on. It's important not to just dismiss what they say as 'crazy', even if most people would consider it so. Compromise when you have to and try to find some way of exercising that they will agree to.
Profile: DareYouToTry
DareYouToTry on Feb 5, 2017 more
Tell them the benefits of exercising and how important it is for you. If ever, start slowly and gradually so they can notice the goodness it does on you.
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