Why can't I stop the wanting of throwing up my food?
Dec 10, 2014
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Maybe you have an eating disorder. The anxiety of eating and wanting to throw up all of your food is called bulimia. I would see your primary care physician about these feelings, or see a counselor.
Dec 14, 2014
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While the idea of throwing up after eating seems a bit far-fetched to many people, it is something that thousands of people have experienced. It is a common sign of a serious problem: an eating disorder. Purging may start out as a "diet" of sorts but it can quickly become an addiction. You may find it hard to stop because of the addictive nature of the act.
May 24, 2016
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There is never one reason for wanting to throw up food. Try to find the cause of the problem first.
Aug 24, 2017
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From my own experience, purging can be used as a form of comfort, and as a way of inplementing some form of control into your life, where there is a lack of in relation to your emotions. Therefore trying to separate yourself from this behaviour which has comforted you in the past can be incredibly challenging. It can become your 'coping mechanism' very quickly, which is of course very dangerous and a difficult behaviour to break from. Whenever you get that urge to purge, you could try to distract your mind by doing something else. Perhaps go for a walk, or meditate? Whatever is most comfortable for you. Eventually the behaviour will begin to break and you will no longer crave that need to purge, because you will have found alternative ways of coping. It takes some time, and there is no doubt that you will sometimes relapse, but as long as you are patient and forgiving towards yourself you will get there. I didâ¤ï¸
Nov 30, 2015
Eating Disorders Expert
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YOU can stop throwing up, your ED is the one that doesn't. Deny that urge to purge because you know it is not right. Start by eating foods you feel comfortable with, that way you won't feel regret and want to throw it up. Keep in mind that feeling "full" is normal. Enjoy your food and eat until you are comfortably satisfied. Eat a well balanced meal, but don't over do it.
Jan 22, 2017
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If you have thrown up your food before, it can become addictive. Sometimes even the body becomes accustomed to throwing up after eating, making it difficult to keep food down. If you want to stop feeling the urge to throw up your food, I recommend getting professional help to overcome your eating disorder.
Oct 6, 2017
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If you want to throw up your food, you may be suffering from an eating disorder such as bulimia or anorexia. I would get checked out by a doctor as soon as you can.
May 2, 2018
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Well, it could be for many reasons.
Each of us have ways of conduct that we've been building ourselves with time. Many of them have a strong emotion or belief behind them.
Maybe theres one in you telling you that you'll feel better, or you'll look thiner, or you would be able to enjoy more food.
Dec 12, 2014
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First Thing's First: You have to realize what you have is an eating disorder, and that it is life threatening. If you can accept you have a disease, and that you need help, you can RECEIVE the help. There are all sorts of in, and out-patient treatment programs to help you overcome the want to throw up food and help you figure out the root cause for why you do it. Talk to your doctor or therapist about resources available. You can also find more resources and treatment options here: http://www.nationaleatingdisorders.org/
My response is not meant to be replaced as a physician's opinion. Please seek help as soon as possible, and good luck!
Dec 26, 2014
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Eating disorders are very difficult, particularly if you have become accustomed to doing this for a long time. If you have been throwing up food and then try to stop, you are still going to want to. A good idea would be to try and find the reason why you want to do it and then work on it. There is a guide towards eating disorders on this website which may help you.
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