I've been sexually assaulted. What should I do?
Aug 4, 2015
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Being sexually assaulted is a very difficult thing to go through. A person can deal with many emotions about what to do or where to turn. One who is in this situation is often scared to tell anyone or embarrassed to let anyone know what happened to them. Some victims feel it may even be their own fault. One should make sure to find the safest place that they can go or turn after an event like this. One may find it difficult to trust anyone during this time which may be even more difficult to seek help afterwards. But its very important to stay strong and to seek your local authorities to report the crime. Because thats what it is, a crime. Even if it was someone you know that violated you, its still a crime and should be reported and punishable. If you feel afraid to do it alone, seek a friend or family member or someone you trust to help you or go with you and to stay by your side. Its also important to seek a healthcare provider for many reasons. Healthcare providers can help you with medical issues and concerns and answer any questions you may have, including directing you towards social workers, therapy and counseling services. These services can help you get back on track faster, to help with your physical and emotional well being. And to help you move forward.
Oct 26, 2015
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Find someone you can talk to like a friend, family member, counsellor or youth worker. You can also contact an organisation in your state or territory that can give you relevant information on seeking help.
Mar 28, 2016
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First of all let me tell you that you've been brave to share this. I would also like to tell you that you shouldn't feel worried or scared, and that you shouldn't blame yourself if you're doing so about what happened, because it's not your fault and you didn't deserve any of it! There are a few things that you can do, of course please do check if you are injured and if you are then I would urge you to contact the hospital, you could also get into contact with victim support, the police, they are all there to help you and will support you. But of course that is totally up to you and how comfortable you feel doing so. I hope you get the support you need :)
May 15, 2016
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First thing is to tell someone! Sexual assault is not to be taken lightly, because you have been violated. I would surround myself with people whom I can trust. I hope and pray you are doing okay :)
Jun 5, 2016
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denounce it! don´t be afraid, do it for you and other people
Dec 12, 2017
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Please et in touch with a couple mature listeners, use the listener filters and o for someone with hiher numbers of reviews, see if they are verified, and ae and listener qualification are two other things you can consider. I don't know if you are considering taking legal action or not. I am not sure if I can recomment it as I don't your situation. But as another human being, I want justice for you. And for that, you need to first focus on heeling. I am happy to chat if you'd like to reach out. :)
Jan 16, 2018
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You should talk to an adult that you trust about what has happened and then go to the police and report the person. You need to report him so that he is unable to do it to anyone else and make someone else feel the same way that you do now.
Mar 31, 2020
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The best option would be to let someone that you can trust know. Talking about it can always help. If you do not feel comfortable telling someone you know, look to telling someone over the internet or if you are comfortable enough to report it, tell the police about the incident. You do not need to live your life in fear and telling them about it could help with coping. The most important thing is, to be honest with yourself about what happened and do not blame yourself for the situation. Also, remember that you do not stand alone in this, others have faced the same thing you are facing now and have come out. You are stronger than your defeats, believe in yourself and know that you will get through this.
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