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It has been years since my traumatic experience, can i still get help or is it too late?

Profile: KristenHR
KristenHR on Jan 26, 2015 more
You can definitely at any point seek help for your traumatic experience. If you are thinking about getting help, that is likely a cue that you are ready to get help. Our body and mind seems to let us know when we are ready and able to face what happened to us. It's definitely not to late. See if you can find a professional who specializes in trauma work. If not, then see if they have experience in working with trauma survivors. The International Society for the Trauma and Dissociation has a Find a Therapist link if you want to see if there might be a trauma specialist in your area.
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Profile: Aayla
Aayla on Jul 31, 2024 more
The right time to get help is when you feel ready for it, no matter how long it takes. It's actually very common for people to need a long time to process everything and be ready to get support, you're not alone and your experience is not less valid because of this.
Profile: Evi
Evi on Jan 10, 2015 more
It's never too late to get help. If you feel that you might benefit from getting help, that's what's important and time is no restriction here. You can still overcome your feelings towards it and learn how to move on in a proper manner.
Profile: beautifulLight15
beautifulLight15 on Mar 18, 2015 more
It is never to late to ask or receive help. There is still a permanent memory on what had happened, you should get counseling or talk to a therapist.
Profile: AndyDufresne1994
AndyDufresne1994 on Apr 4, 2015 more
IT IS NEVER TOO LATE! If you know the experience still bothers you a trained professional can help you thought it. You deserve to be happy and healthy. Why wait any longer?
Profile: arthritisfighter
arthritisfighter on Apr 16, 2015 more
No matter how long it has been since the traumatic experience you can still access help and support for it. I work with veterans who were in the army and more often than not it takes 5 years for them to access any support to deal with PTSD. At the time they don't identify the traumatic experience as an issue and as the years go by the reality of it hits them and that's when they access support. It is never too late to access help and support for a traumatic experience.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Apr 22, 2015 more
It is never ever too late to get help. Most people only find out years afterwards that they are actually still not over the traumatic experience that they believed they were and starting to realize also how it is affecting your day to day life including relationships. Also some people prefer not to get help right after a traumatic experience because they just want to forget what happened and move on. There is always help and it is never to late.
Profile: flxrxleen
flxrxleen on Apr 29, 2015 more
Yes, nothing is too late and help is always available around you. Even your friends and family can be the source of your support. Don't be afraid to search for answers and start your own healing process. :)
Profile: Seph
Seph on Jun 6, 2015 more
It's never too late to get help. Sometimes, if we don't get help in dealing with our traumatic experiences, they can lead to problems later on in life, but It is never too late to get help.
Profile: SharewithMarcel
SharewithMarcel on Jul 14, 2015 more
It` s never too late! No matter how long ago, if you suffer from the experience, it would be a good idea to work through this, for example with a therapist. They will take you serious, you aren`t alone with this problem.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jul 14, 2015 more
You can always get help. Therapists will not judge you for waiting to get help. Better late than never, right?
Profile: hoppingpen
hoppingpen on Sep 1, 2015 more
No! It's definitely not too late. Especially if you're having symptoms of PTSD or simply recurring or disturbing thoughts about the trauma, you should definitely consider treatment. There is NO time limit on recovery, and admitting that you might need some extra help every once in awhile is a great first step!
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Sep 16, 2015 more
No! It's not too late at all to get help, and overall it's really brave of you to seek/obtain help! I've been through a traumatic experience and I still am too afraid to get help for it, so being willing to put yourself in that position is really courageous of you:)
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Sep 16, 2015 more
Like the others said, it's never too late and of course you can! There is no time limit for anything. I feel really proud of you for your decision.
Profile: Brooksy999
Brooksy999 on Apr 5, 2016 more
You can get help and support when ever you need it. Even if it happend years ago, hope this helped.
Profile: katelisalyn
katelisalyn on Nov 14, 2017 more
You can always get help! It's never too late! Don't tell yourself that it's too late if you still struggle. No one will judge you if they truly care about you and want to help you.
Profile: Caringheart23
Caringheart23 on Apr 10, 2018 more
Lot of people have similar thoughts, but it's never late to get the help you want and need. I'm really glad you decided that now is the time. Wish you the best :)
Profile: inventiveHouse2965
inventiveHouse2965 on Apr 18, 2018 more
It is not too late. You can still get help. It was decades before i sought help, and i have made some really good strides forward in healing from the past. Don't get me wrong, it still is a lot to work through, but YES, you can get help.
Profile: IluvBiscuits
IluvBiscuits on Jun 18, 2018 more
You can still get help. Try asking a doctor, therapist or school counsellor for help. Also try to reach help from friends
Profile: ThePowerofKnight
ThePowerofKnight on Oct 13, 2020 more
Hello there. I hear that you are still being affected by a traumatic event that happened many years ago. It is never too late to get support and achieve further healing from a traumatic event no matter how long ago it was. Trauma does not leave your brain's memory. Traumatic events and the pain caused by them will be with you for life, however it is possible to learn new skills and develop tools for yourself to manage the trauma when you feel yourself triggered. A licensed therapist specializing in the area of trauma you experienced would be a great start to learning new and better ways to manage past trauma when you notice it beginning to surface for you. I hope this helps. I will continue to be here to listen if you would like to chat more.
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