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Is it normal for me to have recurring dreams about my rapist (even though the incident happened years ago)?

Profile: vanna
vanna on Apr 15, 2015
Domestic Violence Expert more
I personally had recurring dreams for 4 years now, or maybe nightmares is more the word, from my rape when I was younger. They have definitely become less frequent, and I have realized that I have triggers that I can trace (certain laundry baskets, people who look like him on the train, guns) and connect to it, so when I encounter those things during the day, I try to spend an hour or two thinking calmly and bringing myself out of hte past and into the present, where I am safe and happy. It doesn't work all the time but it works enough that it has really helped me overcome the pain that came with having those dreams a few times a week sometimes. So yes dear, it's normal and it is an awful thing to keep experiencing so I am sorry. *hugs*
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Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on May 23, 2015 more
Yes. Unfortunately, it is horrible and unfair. I sought counselling and practised meditation to help
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jul 27, 2015 more
Yes. Rape is a traumatic event for anyone at any age or at any time. Stay strong. This too shall pass.
Profile: W8inglibra
W8inglibra on Aug 24, 2015 more
Yes. You cannot control your dreams and having this one might mean you are just working through a tragic event.
Profile: dreamVoice41
dreamVoice41 on Sep 14, 2015 more
yes. It is absolutely normal. But do seek professional help if this dream persist and/or disturbs your sleeping experience.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Sep 28, 2015 more
Dreams are often your minds way of trying to process events that are confusing or painful. They can be really horrible to experience and if there are distressing talk about them with someone you trust, is there something you haven't dealt with?
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Apr 6, 2016 more
It's completely normal, you're not alone, i was raped 3 years ago and still having nightmares.
Profile: PoliteOcean
PoliteOcean on Sep 21, 2015 more
If you are having difficulties with a past traumatic event perhaps you should seek the advice of a healthcare professional like a therapist or counselor to help.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on May 13, 2015 more
Yes, because it will still be traumatic, you could also get a doctor or talk to a friend. If you need any more help, contct a listener
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jun 7, 2016 more
Absolutely. It's common amongst victims of severe trauma to relive those moments. As terrifying as it can be, it's always going to be a subconscious experience.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Nov 3, 2015 more
Its probably normal x When you have experienced something serious like that, it might be hard to forget though how hard you try x
Profile: softNutella25
softNutella25 on Dec 26, 2016 more
Rape is an extremely traumatic event and yes, having recurring dreams, even years later, is common. If these dreams are causing you grief, please seek help from a professional who specializes in PTSD.
Profile: Caringheart23
Caringheart23 on Apr 10, 2018 more
It's absolutely okay. Sometimes these things comes much later after the incident happened. It's a way howyour mind try to protect itself. I'm sorry you have to go through this. Did you try to talk about it with someone?
Profile: horse2014
horse2014 on Jun 3, 2022 more
Yes, I still have nightmares about my abusers. They might not get better but try thinking of something else or watching tv before bed or go on a walk, go for a drive, hangout with friends. It's not easy to get rid of nightmares but distracting yourself helps. I found out listening to music or talking to someone helps. You are in control of what you do in life. Your abuser can't control you forever. It will get better as time goes on but life is never easy but you have to live each day as you want to.
Profile: Aayla
Aayla on Jul 29, 2024 more
It is absolutely normal, it's a kind of trauma that can affect people for a long time and it doesn't mean you haven't done a good job recovering from it. Don't hesitate to seek for support if this is taking a toll on you. You can talk about it with people you trust, or seek therapeutic support, remember that you're not a burden to people around you and you have every right to seek support.
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