Nov 1, 2015 more
Sometimes I feel alone because I don't know who to talk to.. Because I am alone.. because I feel as though no one understands me. Usually this is associated with my depression but at times I really just don't have anyone around I can talk to and I don't want to bug anyone either so I usually stay to myself. I don't like feeling alone all of the time, sometimes its okay because it means I get time and space to myself. But sometimes I just want to be in someone else's company they don't even have to say anything, just knowing that they are there for me if I need them is enough. I just want someone there who will understand, who will not judge, who doesn't mind me for who I am.. no matter how odd I can be.
Aug 23, 2015 more
Feel alone because the person you share everything with once goes away half of your life vanishes...
Aug 23, 2015 more
People who often feel alone tend to isolate themselves. Isolating is usually a coping skill that people do when they don't think others can help them.
Sep 6, 2015 more
On my 25th birthday , nobody remembered , I kept expecting a surprise party or a lavish candle light dinner. I honestly thought it was a sick joke , but by 9pm I realized it wasn't happening. I sat in my bedroom crying with a migraine, and felt so I insignificant. I hit my rock bottom that night , but it was also the start of an epic adventure , Becoming my very own fan club. I sat upright and decided then and there , I was going to fall inlove with me , and learn to love my own company. I realized I am an awesome human being and NOBODY has the power to make me feel anything I dont want to , even when Its me putting me down. Its been almost a year now , and I have pushed past my comfort zone and got to know how special I am , yes we do need to hear certain things from others but honestly all the answers are within you ... You are never alone when you are you're own fan club.
Sep 1, 2015 more
Why do I feel alone? There are many reasons. I guess it's not exactly because I am alone. I have my family. But I don't have the one person I need in my life. That person is gone and is never coming back. I'm alone because this person took a piece of me with them. A piece that I will never get back.
Dec 8, 2017 more
Because in my memory of the life, the times of unhappiness and feeling alone have far outlasted the brief moments of joy which, with each passing event seem to become more clear and positive, become that much harder to take when they are torn from my life. The advice on the mental health page focuses on these "brief periods of loss or loneliness" that strike us down. Most of my life has been these feelings. The real kicker is that at heart I am an idealist and see so much profound beauty and potential in this world and in the lives of others around me and yet every time I try to fix the mistakes of the past or try for a better future for myself I am crushed. After 36 years I am tired. I'm just tired and I don't want to fight again.
Aug 29, 2015 more
Loneliness is not something that is external, it comes from within. You can be in the middle of a carnival and still feel lonely. Why are you feeling alone? Are you talking much to people? Are you getting enough love? Or is it physical love that is the issue? Maybe you are craving for a different type of interaction? With animals? I have a cat and sometimes i just want to becwith him even though i can talk to my friends. I can recommend a book to you called 'Grace Of Solitude' from Valerio Albisetti. It really holds many answers how to cope with loneliness. Feeling alone is not unnatural but if it prolongues, can affect mental and even physical health at some point. People are social beings. Hope this helps, dear questioner :)
Aug 22, 2015 more
Many times I feel alone is because I am depressed or upset about a situation. I may feel people do not understand me or what I am going through. Or sometimes I feel I am the only one going through a situation. In reality, it is the perception of the situation that makes a person feel so alone.
Aug 29, 2015 more
It is one of the most Human things to feel alone. Loneliness is something no human being can escape. We all feel it. Some more than others. The good thing? If you feel it, it means you haven't surrounded yourself with a fake and surreal life. The people in your life right now actually matter and care about you. I'd suggest spending more time with them :)
Oct 28, 2015 more
Human beings are naturally social animals. When we find ourselves becoming isolated, we should take that as a warning sign that we are turned against ourselves in some basic way. If not already there, we are on a path toward feeling bad, lonely, introverted or even depressed. When we start feeling isolated, we may have thoughts of not belonging or of feeling rejected by others. What we overlook, however, is that when we are alone, we are often in the company of our worst enemy- the onewithin ourselves. An isolated space is the perfect breeding ground for negative, self-critical thoughts. These thought patterns make up the “critical inner voice (CIV),†an internalized enemy that leads to self-destructive thought processes and behaviors. This inner critic feeds into our feelings of isolation, encouraging us to avoid others and remain in a lonely state.