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Why am I surrounded by people and still feel lonely?

Profile: Solia
Solia on Nov 14, 2016 more
Feeling lonely while surrounded by people is not abnormal. In fact, it's quite normal, especially if you're dealing with mental issues. A person can have friends, partners, significant others and still feel lonely because loneliness comes from within. If the people surrounding you don't see you, understand you or know what you want or need to talk about, that can easily make you feel alone.
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Profile: Bekiraine1412
Bekiraine1412 on Apr 24, 2015 more
Because in your heart you wonder if they even care. Yes, it is possible to feel lonely even when you're around people. I've experienced it myself.
Profile: Matth13er
Matth13er on Nov 2, 2017 more
I suffer the same way. For me, it is because I feel worthless and unlovable, therefore I underestimate how much other people care about me. With my closest friend, we say we love each other and tell each other our secrets, and yet I still feel insecure with him. I have a very low opinion of myself, and I am always so careful in trusting others, and I always feel like people don't like me. Sometimes I feel like withdrawing and testing my friends. I truly care about my friends, and I always feel that it is one-sided, even when they pass every test I throw at them. The fact that I test most of my friends makes me feel even worse about the relationships, making me feel even more lonely. Even those who I know care, I am afraid they won't if they somehow see the 'real' me, even if they already have.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jun 17, 2015 more
Sometimes its because we shut them out and hold back anything and everything we have ever wanted to say.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on May 21, 2015 more
I think that it doesn't matter how many people your around. You may feel like nobody understands you or knows how you feel. That makes you feel lonely.
Profile: mayssamk
mayssamk on Feb 22, 2016 more
Because there's a difference between loneliness and being alone. You can be surrounded by millions of people and still feel alone because you can lack a connection with these people- a click or a "feeling" between you and them which allows you to relate and fully share what you know, think, feel, or are going through. You can be lonely when you're surrounded by people because you aren't surrounded by the right people for you.
Profile: facades
facades on May 27, 2015 more
Sometimes when you're around people who you feel like aren't genuinely there for you, you feel left out. Its important to realize that when you're going to be around people who care about you, you're not going to feel alone.
Profile: StarvingArtist25
StarvingArtist25 on May 24, 2015 more
Often times someones loneliness stems from being misunderstood. You can still feel alone in a sea of people.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Apr 9, 2018 more
Even if you're surrounded by people you can still feel lonely by not being comfortable to socialize with other people as well as not knowing how to join in on a certain topic or conversation that leads you to feeling isolated.
Profile: ahasbeamer
ahasbeamer on Apr 2, 2015 more
It isn't really the number of people that matters but the quality of the relationship. It is important to socialize but to also have close friends that can share your troubles and lighten your load.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Feb 2, 2015 more
Loneliness is a perspective and a feeling generating by your internal world rather than the external world. Feeling like you have nothing in common with others, feeling alienated, can make you feel alone even when with other people.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jun 23, 2018 more
I have multiple friends although I am very lonely it upsets me that I am lonely even tho I have close involves friends. I feel I am lonely because I do not have a partner. Yes my friends love me and try their best to show support but I feel if I had a partner I would be able to love someone more than just a good friend and vice versa. I believe friendships and relationships are different and you can be completely sociable and loved in the friend aspect while being extremely lonely in the partner aspect.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Feb 1, 2015 more
when we don't let people in, we will always feel lonely. Even if we're surrounded by people who care. We have to see that if someone sticks by our side it is because they truly care. and if they stick long enough, it is safe to let our guards down. Trying to see the good in others and ways they will help us is always important.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jul 27, 2015 more
You are probably depressed or have some regrets of past which makes you feel lonely. In some cases you feel Ohk when you are surrounded but you get crazy when you are left alone.
Profile: sealsagnik
sealsagnik on Jul 10, 2018 more
Being surrounded by people and still feeling lonely can be caused by a variety of reasons. I would like to note down some of them that I have personally experienced: 1. When you are surrounded by people with different mindset or interests than yours, you wouldn't usually find the conversations interesting and feel isolated. And also, they wouldn't find your ideas appealing or meaningful most of the times. 2. You may feel lonely because you may not have a partner. Yes, some people may have several caring friends and still feel lonely. This is mostly because you see friendship and relationships as totally different aspects and you must be totally loved in the friend aspect and feel lonely in the partner aspect. 3. The solution may lie within your heart if you tend to hold back on expressing yourself infront of people and they may be right there wanting to help but will never know when you need it unless you ask for it. hope this helps, Sagnik Seal
Profile: colourfulFlute75
colourfulFlute75 on May 31, 2015 more
Depression leads a person into isolation. The low feelings make people feel alone in a crowd. People often feel misunderstood as well.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jul 11, 2017 more
There is a saying: we live alone, we die alone, everything. Else is just an illusion. If it is true, then we should search for the purpose of our life in this earth. I think we need search the truth of our past and then we will find the future path and understand that we all have separate mission in this earth. We born in family, but we still have A different identity "self." For example, my twin did not like my favorite food. She is different than me. My suggestion: explore the world, travel the place, explore different people and their histories and understand " who you are "!
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Mar 8, 2016 more
I wish I had the perfect answer for this, but usually it tends to be depression who is trying to push you away from those who love you and care. Loneliness is not forever and it gets better, you'll get better.
Profile: Pineapplescanhelp
Pineapplescanhelp on Sep 28, 2015 more
You could feel like no one would be able to understand you or can't see the real you. You should open up to give them a chance to see the real you.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Dec 9, 2017 more
Because you may be told everything’s your fault. All the time, you may feel like people are there for you and you come to learn there not. It’s not fun to be in this position.
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