Who can I talk to about my problems?
Sep 20, 2015
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I have my own therapist, and have become much more comfortable with that relationship. I also have family that I treasure.
Sep 20, 2015
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anyone you feel comfortable with, anyone on 7 cups of tea, it kind of depends on the problem/issue. you could also talk to a friend.
Sep 23, 2015
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you can try to talk about it to your friend, or your parent? or you can try to talk to therapist? or you can talk to us, listener in 7cupsoftea :)
Sep 24, 2015
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You can always talk to one of the listeners at 7 cups of tea or in the chat group support. It can be very helpful :-D
Sep 24, 2015
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There's plenty of people, it's just that in times of darkness we tend not to see the light of our situation. You can talk to any of your family members, even that really close cousin; your friends, a teacher, an older person you trust or maybe someone online like on here. You never are truly alone, ever. You just have to find the courage and strength to come out of your shell and acknowledge that everything is not always "fine" or "okay"
Sep 25, 2015
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to whoever i feel comfortable with :) and if that something very secret or privacy, talk to someone who don't know me and i used random name :)
Sep 26, 2015
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You can talk to any active listener, or leave a message for any certified helper on this site. But in general you can talk to any trusted adult, or friend, counselor at school if you still attend, a family member or call a crisis line even if you feel you are not in a crisis
Sep 26, 2015
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Talking to a school counselor, family member, friend, or trusted adult is always a good start. However, if you feel uncomfortable doing so, you can always talk to an active listener on 7 Cups of Tea. All listeners are trained to help you through your problems or guide you in the right direction.
Sep 27, 2015
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Some people I could talk about my problems with would be my parents and fellow listeners.
Sep 30, 2015
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Being in school, the counsellor always promises that if you have any problems, you can go to them. I'm positive that I speak for most, if not all people, that we don't want to speak about our life problems to someone we hardly even know. The same goes for teachers. Personally speaking, I find it extremely hard to talk to people about my issues. This may sound cliche, but I only tell my problems to the people I truly trust. Of course, you should never feel pressured to talk to someone, and should only open up when you feel it is safe, and the time is right.
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