What to do when you're lonely and have no friends?
107 Answers
Moderated by Joe Nelson, Licensed Clinical Social Worker Doctor of Social Work
Updated: Jun 1, 2020
Apr 21, 2016
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Befriend yourself! You're the only one who'll stay with you forever. Talk to yourself, write,dance,exercise, listen to music, read, find a hobby. Learn to live with yourself. That way, realtions will be a choice and not necessity
May 29, 2016
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oh maybe try to interact with new people that u like & be their friend or make some online friends + if u want im here 4 youu
Jun 12, 2016
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If you are feeling lonely, maybe you can go out and feel the wind! There's so much that life has to offer, why don't you take advantage of it? One thing I always say is, you don't have to have friends to be happy. You have to be happy with yourself first. Even if you did have friends, if you weren't happy with yourself, you'd still be unsatisfied. Spend time with yourself first & then friends will find you!
Dec 7, 2017
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I Am feeling lonely right now. Having my dinner alone. Just wondering what to do while reads all the comment. Just not my day.
Apr 10, 2016
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I go to parks and share smiles with some people. I go to stores and help those those with ailments or disabilities get through their shopping. Wherever I go, I'll smile to or help those who seem to need it and will accept it.
May 30, 2016
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You can try to approach someone who has common similarity or interest with you, or anyone who is likely you'll be comfortable with. But I know,sometimes there are times when you don't feel fit in with anyone AT ALL. Just really,no one. As I do believe the comfort in friendship is built naturally,you can't force this situation. Be your own best friend and company, do not let yourself sink into this feeling. Focus to do things you enjoy (writing,listening music,reading,etc) and don't put yourself under pressure during the process of seeking friends, Don't bottle up your negative feelings or let yourself lonely,try to discuss with someone (for example your family,siblings,or simply people here in 7 Cups of Tea). Try to create a good atmosphere towards people,be nice to them. The right people will come to you at the right time.
May 20, 2016
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Find yourself a pet.
Jun 10, 2016
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Actually,i think loneliness is about ourself.If we think that we are lonely we will be lonely.There are always some people that love us.If you think that there is anyone to love you,come here.Cause we love you and we will always be with you.That's what 7CupsofTea means.But if you can't reach us,i suggest you reading books.Books will always listen you and they won't judge you.
Jun 9, 2016
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Spend some time to get to know yourself. there will always be people out there who are willing to love you and embrace you as a person but you first need to become the person you're capable of being before seeking friendships or relationships anyway. So many of us waste our time on fruitless, meaningless relationships/friendships when we could treasure that time and instead get to know ourselves as a person, learn from mistakes and grow.
Apr 8, 2016
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there is a different between living by yourself and being able to live with yourself. my favorite writer taught me that. being alone doesnt mean you have to feel lonely. you have you. and being surrounded by a dozen of people doesnt automatically mean you wont feel lonely. in fact, it hurts more. to feel so lonely even if youre surrounded by so many people.
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