What do I do when I feel like I've hit rock bottom and I'm not worth it anymore?
Dec 26, 2019
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Whenever it feels like skies are falling and crashing right over my head around me, I hold my breath and begin to count. Sometimes it takes only 5, but sometimes even 60 seconds for my body to fight back and force my soul to stay awake. Then when I frantically begin to breathe in and out I realise that I am the one to decide if I'm going to let the world crash me or if I fight back. And by feeling my lungs scream and beg for me to let air fill them again, I also realise that it is me who always decides, and it is me who doesn't want to let go of me, it's me loving myself so much that when I begin to breathe again and open my eyes, I understand what it feels like to safe myself from drowning a little too soon. You do love yourself, you just have to let yourself show you that.
Jan 26, 2020
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I often try to brainstorm what things I do well and am competent in. Just by visualizing myself doing the things that I do well at, I am able to realize my potential and get back on track. Additionally, I have asked friends and family what they think I can do in order to realign my life. When the "rock bottom" comes in the form of a change in plans or rapid changes in my life, It is often best to chart out a new plan given the issues at hand. sometimes, restructuring in the face of adversity can provide relief.
Jan 26, 2020
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Once you hit the bottom the only way you can go is up. It will take time and it won't be easy but if you really want to you can go up. You can get help here in 7 Cups, or ask friends and family. But if you really want to and you find motivation you can make your way up. Now of course it won't be easy But if you really put your mind to it you can do it. You just have to believe in yourself. And if it ever feels impossible remember that impossible is I'm Possible.
Feb 1, 2020
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at some point in life, we all go through tough circumstances that leave us in the deepest trenches. when you are there wondering when you will see the light again it can be draining and tiring. everything you do becomes difficult and takes so much effort, making every single day an absolute nightmare. no one wants to be here. yet, there are lessons that you learn that no one else will teach you.
you dont have to remain in the trenches. you can choose to focus on what you can change or what you cant. what you are greatful for and what you can work towards. there are about 5 things that can be helpful
1. let yourself feel
feel the pain and use it. pain will make you take action.
2. reach out
you dont have to be down there alone.
3. hit reset
rock bottom offer you a chance to start all over again. the good news is , there is no where else to go but up. rebuild
4.realise you have nothing to lose
every action no matter how small or insignificant is a win.
5.apprecite the good you still have
there is always something to be grateful for.
remember, be kind to yourself. you are worth it. you did not choose to hit rock bottom and you are stronger than you think. take time to reflect, have faith, listen to music and remember even the best of them like JK Rawlings, Steve Jobs and the likes have all hit rock bottom. it happens to us all. you will get through it.
again there is no where to go but up.
Feb 6, 2020
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You remember that you ARE worth it and have ALWAYS been worth it. The good thing about "rock bottom" is that it means you can see everything you have the potential for. Kind of like laying in the grass and looking up and the clouds. You can see this vast sky with literally no end. No, you'll never be a cloud, but there are a lot of amazing things between the ground and those clouds. Choose an attainable goal that's there in between the grass and clouds and you focus all of your energy on that. Find something that ignites passion in you. No one is worthless. You matter!
Feb 14, 2020
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I personally keep an album named "appreciation" where I keep all things that were positive for me in the past. Could be a well done..an 'i love you', or a funny moment between friends.. Or similarly, a very loving moment through text or anything similar. As long as it makes me feel GOOD, it goes in that album. Nothing forced. Just pure, authentic positive moments. I look at that when I've hit rock bottom to the point where I feel I do not deserve anyone's time or attention. After all, an image is not sentient. It cannot judge you.
Stay valourous.
Feb 26, 2020
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Place your hand on your heart or feel for your pulse in either you're wrist or neck and just feel the steady beat of it. Step back from reality feeling your pulse & know you're worth it. Know you're worth everything. You are important to a lot of people in your life who love and cherish you. We all have our bad days and feel as though we are not worth it anymore however we really are. I believe we are all here for a reason and we might not know that reason straight away but over time through the highs and lows we will find out.
Mar 28, 2020
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People think once they hit rock bottom that they should just give up because they feel like it's not worth it; however, hitting rock bottom isn't as bad as you think. I'm not here to lie to you; yea, there will be times when you feel unworthy and a piece of crap and that everything is too much, etc. but just because you’ve hit rock bottom doesn’t mean you can’t overcome it. Life is a constant battle, sometimes you’re going to be put in a place where you hate it, but if you keep reminding yourself how much you hate it and how much you want to leave then things aren’t going to get better. Accept the place you’re in. Accept and learn from your pain. Use your pain to push you forward instead of pushing you back. Nothing is ever given to you and nothing is ever easy, so why expect this to be easy? Easy is boring; however, where it gets difficult is most interesting and is the time where we learn the most. Remember that this isn’t the end of the world. Remember that you deserve happiness and deserve whatever you’re fighting for, but most importantly, remember you’re worth fighting for yourself.
Apr 10, 2020
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When you hit rock bottom, it means something in your life may not have gone as planned. It causes you to question yourself, have doubt how to move forward into the future and enjoy certain aspects of life again. There is no right answer except to find achievement in small growth. This can help to build up self worth and make yourself realize no matter what happens, you are truly the only person in charge of your happiness. It takes a substantial amount of losses to really appreciate small achievements and there is a certain beauty to that. Just know, no matter what has happened, you are always worth it, you add value to life no matter what has happened.
May 21, 2020
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I can see you are going through a tough time and feeling low.
It happens. you are strong enough to identify your feeling.
I am pretty sure you'll overcome this feeling the same way you've identified it.
Stay positive and you'll get through anything and everything.
it may happen that sometimes we lose hope and feel like nothing's going to work out, but eventually it does.
you have taken a very good initiative to seek help, and that shows your strength.
It takes a lot of guts to do so.
If you can do this, you can surely sail through this feeling you are having right now!