I think I have depression and I want to tell my parents but my brother recently got diagnosed so I feel like they would think that I'm just trying to get attention. What do I do?
Jul 21, 2018
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Communicate with your parents. Just cause your brother has depression doesn't mean you don't. Share on why you feel you are going through depression. If you feel you can't verbally talk with them, write a letter to them. Good luck!
Aug 5, 2018
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Oh, dear. As someone whose sibling also got diagnosed with depression, I can relate. I hid my feelings for a very long time, until I reached a breakdown point. If you think you have depression, it's better not to ignore the symptoms. I suggest you talk to your parents about this. You're not alone, and depression is definitely not for attention. Your mental health and well-being are very important!
Aug 9, 2018
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talk to your brother too, communication is key. By talking you're opening new opportunities and new parts of your relationships with your family.
Speak to your parents, for your safety. It will all work out okay :)
Aug 11, 2018
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Talk to your brother, for me its like getting stamped or labelled by doctors and that made me feel isolated, by talking with him you may be able to help each other and overcome it. I hope you do
Aug 12, 2018
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Your needs are as important, it's not attention seeking when you have a real illness. Sit with them and tell them the truth about how you are feeling and recognize that they will only know what you confide in them. If they got your brother help certainly they would want to give you help also. Have an honest discussion with your parents and ask them for assistance, whether it be a Therapist or psychiatrist, but feel that they are on your side to do what is best for you.
Aug 12, 2018
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Your parents care about you and they won’t think it’s for attention. If your anxious about it you can talk to them and tell them that you have thought you’ve had this before your brother got diagnosed and feel more comfortable telling them now.
Aug 28, 2018
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Depression is never an easy situation to deal with, especially when you have a family member struggling with the same issue. The key to telling your parents lies in choosing your timing wisely. If possible, talk to your brother first about his own experiences with depression, explain how you relate so deeply to them you think you might also be depressed, and then you can ask for his input on how you both can approach your parents and ask for help, together. From your honest and open discussion and brother's help, they'll realize you're not just looking for attention, and perhaps it can even help your brother having someone who understands what he's going through and who he can seek help with, and your parents will most likely look for the best ways to help you both.
Sep 1, 2018
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Depression is one of the highest rated health concerns and more people have it than what is known as a lot of people don't want the stigma of "being a depressing person" but if you truly want to make sure your parents believe you, the best thing is to go to a GP and discuss it with them first and get a diagnosis before telling anyone about it. That way, if they question it, you have the facts to back them up. Simply stating that you may have depression is completely different from stating factually that you have it. Most people won't believe you until you have a full diagnosis. You could always try talking to your parents and stating how you feel without out-right telling them that you think you have depression and let them come to their own conclusion. Tell them you don't know what to do and why you feel this way and perhaps they'll be the one to suggest that you may have depression. It's also important to note that depression (like autism) has only been publicly accepted as a medical condition. Back in the old days, it was one of those "get over it, you're just having a bad day" eras. It wasn't as understood as it is now so perhaps your parents would have a difficult time dealing with something that wasn't understood back in their day. Hope this helps.
Sep 14, 2018
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The question you are asking is a valid question. If your brother recently got diagnosed by a professional and you think you might be exhibiting/feeling depressive it would be a good time to tell your parents. To be honest I don’t think that for this type of things there is a “right†time to share or reach out. I’m sure your perception might be completely different from what your parents think or what they will do once you tell them. Trust that they can handle it plus they love, care and want the best for you.
Sep 27, 2018
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I would still tell them anyway. You are just as important as your brother and deserve to get help as well. I think your parents will be a lot more understanding then you think and depression is a very common thing for people to get. I believe everyone at some point in time gets depression and it takes a lot of courage to ask for help. If you feel uncomfortable talking to your parents, maybe you can write them a letter telling them how you feel and why you think you have depression and ask for there help. I know its scary to talk to parents especially if your worried they wont believe you.