I need someone to talk to about my problems.
Apr 17, 2016
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I am here to help listen and offer support.You can message me if I am not here.There are alot of great listeners here to talk to 24/7.Glad you are here.
Jan 21, 2016
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Well, that's what listeners on 7cups are for! Talk to one of us, we'll do our best. After all, we pledged to help!
Feb 3, 2016
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i am here! just message me anytime. I'm can really talk about anything :) if you need me i will be there for you
Feb 21, 2016
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Then Connect to one our Awesome Listener!
Apr 16, 2016
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Here at 7 cups we are always able to help and support you. Listeners are glad to listen to your situations and assist.
Jan 14, 2016
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Have you even taken a look a few degrees up or down on this very page? (Seriously, 7 Cups, 100 characters?)
Jan 23, 2016
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You can talk to the person you trust the most and tell them everything you are having a trouble with .
Feb 13, 2016
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I and the rest of the listeners here at 7 Cups will always be here for you. If you want to talk soon, send me a message while I'm online. :)
Feb 19, 2016
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There are countless people you can talk to about your problems. Sometimes, when you keep things to yourself it can make your problems seem more difficult than they really are in reality. Not just that, but not talking to others can also make you feel like you're the only one struggling, but the good news is you are not, and people have experienced what you are and they are here to help. A good first choice for somebody to talk to is an adult you trust. These can be your parents, or other family relatives, Teachers, Doctors and other adults in similar positions. You can also talk to your friends about your problems. If you are worried about the consequences of mentioning how you are feeling, then don't, because adults in positions like teachers or doctors are totally professional and will not judge you or label you.
If you feel depressed or suicidal from your problems, you should always contact your GP. In these cases, a therapist and treatment is most likely needed.
There are many sites set up to help people with any problem big or small. A favourite of mine is www.samaritans.org, they helped me in my time of need. They will give you a place to talk in complete confidentiality.
Ultimately, 7cups is a great way to get started. The listeners here will always support you, they will never judge you. They provide a friendly environment to talk about your problems and they can help you see more clearly.
Don't be afraid to contact a listener now! They will be willing to help
Feb 19, 2016
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Talking about your problems is the only way to get them resolved. Even if you are just talking to yourself about them
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