Dec 26, 2016
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A lonely isolated place, but I also don't want to be with people?
A place that seems to take the energy out of every cell in my body, even getting out of bed and getting dressed is an effort.
A tiredness that sleep doesn't cure.
A place that makes me feel different to everyone around me, like I exist on one side of a thick glass window and everyone else on the other side. I don't belong anywhere.
Feeling I'm hiding a sinful secret, so I pretend to be "ok" " just tired" etc.
Feeling like no one would actually get how it affects me anyhow, and that would be worse than keeping it to myself.
It can stabalise and then it's suddenly there, makes you feel like a failure.
Apr 10, 2017
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Depression is hard. In my experiences, when I'm feeling depressed I always forget about the future and dwell on the past or the current. You always have to remember that there is a future, and things will get better. When I'm depressed, nothing is enjoyable. Everything seems useless and boring and I can't be bothered to do anything, because I'm in a mindset that "nothing really matters." When you start to feel that way, you've got to change your mindset. That takes willpower, but it can be done. Having a positive mindset is a very important thing to have, especially when you suffer from depression.
Apr 11, 2017
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I would describe it as a suffocating feeling. It comes over you whenever it feels like it, and it doesn't go away for quite some time, if at all. Your heart almost hurts, and you don't want to move or do anything, really. It drains all your happiness and motivation, leaving you empty.
Sep 4, 2017
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depression will make you feel like you are worthless, like you cant do anything, and makes you think that no matter what nothing will get better so you just wont bother, but if you keep trying and you push through it, it is the most rewarding feeling you will ever have :D
Nov 28, 2017
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A numb feeling, with no enjoyment in activities or life. Pleasure is decreased to a low level and a feeling of hopelessness.
Dec 11, 2017
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Depression and sadness mean two different things. Sadness is a normal emotion and if something bad was to happen then you may feel sad, but that sadness will lift after a few days. However, depression is a persistent sadness - it can last for weeks, months or even years.
May 11, 2019
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I'll repeat what I once read.. It feels like walking surrounded by mud so you move slowly and it's hard to do it. Depression makes hard to do even small shores. Also, remember that you still can be happy although it may be harder. Think of yourself as a treasure buried... It's still a treasure despite all the dirt and dust. You just have to keep looking for the treasure.
I am glad you decided to reach out, to talk about how are you feeling. That's a big step. We are here for you. I encourage you to contact a listener and tell him or her also if something happened and tell him or her more about it.
Jul 15, 2019
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Depression is much more than feeling sad. Depression is lack of drive, or hope, or happiness in multiple ways. Depression is when you are missing something you once had and you in one way or another feel the void from whatever is missing.
I personally have experienced depression and can attest that the depressant seems to show up more and more in your life if you try to avoid it rather than deal with it. This is surely a situation where the saying, "easier said then done" applies. Depression is a constant battle that requires time and effort to get through. As unbearable as it may feel at times I am happy to be able to say that you can get through it. The battle that is depression does have an ending point.
Aug 17, 2020
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Depression is like standing by an open window, with all of the rain and hail blowing directly into your face, but not knowing how or being able to close the window. The window is stuck and you don't know how to fix it to make it better. Everything from the storm keeps hitting you and piling up at your feet, but you just can't figure out how to get yourself out of the situation. It feels hopeless and like there's no reason for you to try to close the window anymore because it just won't do anything to help.
May 12, 2022
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To me, it feels like laying on the floor and feeling like your magnetically connected to the earths core, being pulled down into the ground, almost sinking yet too heavy and drained to get move or get up. Like somebody has been secretly stealing your energy and you don't have another battery pack. It's a lack of motivation mentally and physically and all you can do is sit with your thoughts while your body is disconnected and stuck. Though your mind makes you feel guilty plotting lits of everything you need to be doing or could have achieved you physically cannot get up and get your limbs to cooperate.
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Sarah has been wonderful at relating and checking in on me!
Reviewed Dec 10, 2024
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