How do you get yourself out of a pit of despair?
Jun 22, 2015 more
In truth, I don't get out of it much. I tend to make a home for myself in the pit. I bring my artistic decorations and my mementos of the past and get comfortable because I know I'll linger too long. And then I laugh like a madman at pretty much any silly thing I can find to laugh at. Oh hai lump of dirt. You seem so out of place in my pit of despair. Bahahahaha. Lumps of dirt. Bahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Because what good is a pit of despair if you can't laugh in it?
I've come to find that because climbing out is incredibly hard, sometimes I have to curl up in the corner of the pit and give myself some time to rest before I can heal enough to use the coping skills that will allow me to climb out. And when I do climb out, I know that my stubborn insistence on viewing the depressing realities of the world is like the mud at the top of the pit that will cause me to slide back down.
In truth, if I were to actually get out of the pit, it's because, for typically a fairly brief amount of time, I was able to gain a "ladder" of listening from someone who genuinely cares about me, or a rope of distraction doing things that take my mind off of what brings me down.
But more likely, I will talk to my friends in neighbors in their own pits of despair and we'll at least make living in the pit of despair way more fun. Because what's the point of living in despair if you cannot have fun?
May 20, 2015 more
It's hard... God, is it hard!! Despair is something that can consume you until you're on the verge of giving up completely. It's one of those things where it can shape a person, or break a person. You can completely give up because despair has gotten the best of you and you feel like death is the only option, it's not, OR you could grow from it. You could search for things that used to bring you happiness in life. The things that you used to escape from the terrible reality that you lived. For most people, this escape plan, or place, is gone. But, trust me, it's there... You just have to have the will to find it! Have the strength to say, "You know what?! I hate living like this! I hate feeling like I want to give up! I know I have so much to live for! Let's keep fighting!" Most people will think that, that statement is impossible or unrealistic but, you know what? You can do it.. I believe in you and I know you're strong. It's the belief and hope in yourself that gets you through the toughest of situations...
Sep 8, 2015 more
Slowly. You have to focus on the passing hours, minutes, and seconds until the nightfall, and then focus on the passing hours, minutes, and seconds until the dawn. Don't think about the future, don't think about tomorrow, just focus on this moment only. No matter how deep is your pit, how dark your despair, the sun is still on the sky. "And there’s a whole life in that, in knowing that the sun is there."
Jun 23, 2015 more
when you are in a pit of despair you feel that you no longer have any hope or belief that a situation will improve or change...and it will surely not..because you have lost all is just like a ship in the storm..if the sailor admits that the cannot over power the storm then they will never be able to do so...but if they hope to do so..there is a slight possibility that they might be able to do it..and who said that a smooth sea gave a great sailor...problems are what make us strong and a better human being
Mar 25, 2015 more
I do my best to stay distracted and think of other things, whether it be working harder, reading a book, or hanging out with my husband or friends. It's very difficult to climb out of the pit, but it's doable, especially with the right support system.
Jan 30, 2015 more
I try and list things about myself that I like. At first there isn't much, but when I force myself to really say them outloud, they start to make me feel a little better. Then, I watch Netflix or write a poem :D
Jan 18, 2016 more
Well, it depends on how deep the pit is. Usually, lots and lots of music helps me to overcome my pit. Talking to my lovely friends, and all of the other lovely listeners on here helps me as well :)
Nov 14, 2017 more
Try some self-care techniques found right here on 7 cups. You could also try some mindfulness. Or even spending time with those who make you feel better can do the trick! Do something you love doing :)
Jan 12, 2016 more
I wait. I talk to friends about that pit i am experiencing. I get some fresh air, take a walk. Everything that eases my mind a little bit.
Mar 1, 2016 more
Intellectual answers can help, but the best answer I can give is spiritual practices -- yoga, meditation, and breathing.