Oct 20, 2019 more
it's great that you recognized that trait in yourself! catching yourself being judgmental is a great first step; recognize when you're acting judgmental and stop your thoughts right there. ask yourself if it's possible that the person had a bad day, is struggling with something, doesn't have the same life experience you may have, and be empathetic. seek to understand where people are coming from, to learn more about them, before passing judgment. this becomes easier with time and practice. best of luck!
Jun 29, 2016 more
Passing judgement is nothing to be embarrassed about. It's in our human nature and it's a very hard habit to break sometimes. Just being here and asking these types of questions shows that you're on a great path towards change though! A few easy ways to start breaking the cycle is to simply try and put yourself in another's shoes...truly talk with someone and listen carefully about their story and try not to pass judgement. Focus instead on that person and how strong of a journey they've overcome instead of whatever judgments you might have previously made. Read books that focus on people and places that are vastly different than your ow. Volunteer at a Soup Kitchen or Homeless shelter. There is nothing more humbling than seeing others who need love and kindness. Hear their stories and offer them true support and a listening ear. When we begin seeing others as they fellow human beings on this journey that we call life and not as competitors and not as people that we are to compare ourselves against that is when change occurs and that is when you'll start seeing yourself in a wonderfully different light as well.
Jun 29, 2016 more
It's important to understand and acknowledge that everyone has different beliefs and opinions, so to promote harmony amongst each other we must respect our differences even if we don't share the same point of view.
Nov 3, 2016 more
It's difficult to stop being judgmental. If you find yourself judging someone, try to push that judgment aside and make a clean slate about the person in your mind. Remind yourself that there are things about them that you don't know about.
Dec 3, 2017 more
This is not easy since all of us have opinions and judgments.
Step 1: When someone is talking you actively listen. Do not start formulating an opinion while they are talking. Instead listen to them fully before you take a stance on the matter.
Step 2: If you do not agree with someone try to understand their reason for having a differing opinion with an open mind.
Not being judgemental will require you to consciously make a decision every time you are interacting with someone. But the mere fact that you are reading this means that you have taken step one towards not being judemental and that is the right way to be going.
Feb 19, 2020 more
To stop being judgmental we can use following steps.
1. We have to put our self in others shoes, so that we understand their situation and stop being judgemental.
2. Think that we don't need to care much about others attitude and behavior . They will take care of that.
3. If you find others mistake, for one time try to act as their lawyer (i.e,) try to defend that mistake.
When your mind starts judgments stop your thinking about it and start to defend that person. It will be fun too.
4. Accept Everyone with love and compassion. Because, Everyone deserve it.
Jun 22, 2016 more
Just imagine yourself in other's shoes, and try to see what you would do at their place. Sometimes its hard to do so, but i think it can help you to being more opened sometimes to some situations.
Nov 26, 2016 more
Be “naiveâ€â€¦ This might sound strange because the word is almost never used in a positive context. Most people will always do what they believe is the best thing to do. This doesn’t always mean is will provide the best possible outcome and someone his or her opinion might sound very alien to you.
Try to accept that everyone of us has started with an empty book at birth and we’ve been filling that book with our memories, experiences, plans for the future, etc. Our environment, social connections we’ve had through our life have been a source of influence for anyone of us. No two people live the same life so as a result your “book of life†will be very different from that of another person. You might have different values, different goals and a different technique to realise those goals.
Accept that another person be living his or her life, guided by their own rules. Their book of life will be different but it doesn’t make it less “true†for them. We all have a perception of life and we can assume that nobody on earth has found “the one true pathâ€.
A simple trick to make you non judgemental is to (mentally) step into the shoes of any person who has a different opinion or displays a behaviour you find annoying. If you can see yourself through that persons eyes then you’ll notice that your book is invalid from that perspective and it’s a mutual problem. You probably want that person to accept your book of life and with that knowledge you might see that the only way to have mutual understanding is to accept the differences between the both of you.
This also works with opinions related to groups of people, theological ideas, philosophy’s, etc…
Aug 3, 2018 more
Try to think about how would you feel in that person shoes. It is hard to judge when you are trying to understand why a person is doing something. Think about all those movie characters that you judged and in the end, you saw their part of story and saw that they were actually good. In their own way.
Jun 22, 2016 more
Think of yourself, or someone you love in the situation that person is in, and imagine how you would feel.