How do I know if I'm depressed or just lazy or unmotivated?
110 Answers
Moderated by Smita Joshi, BA Psychology / MA / Advanced EFT Practitioner
Updated: Jun 2, 2021
Jun 10, 2016 more
With depression, it does not feel so much like the lazy "I don't want to get up" feeling. Depression makes you feel worse than that, it feels like everything is dragging you down, not allowing you to do anything. The world seems dull and simple tasks feel like running a marathon, even getting up the strength to brush your teeth can effect you.
Jul 6, 2016 more
I think if you're worried about this issue it might suggest that depression is the root of the issue. If you find that you want to be productive and proactive, but feel completely unable to, it's likely depression.
Jul 24, 2016 more
Depression is when it seems impossible to force yourself to do things, not just like it's difficult. It's also always wanting to avoid interaction because it just seems like more trouble than it's worth.
Dec 29, 2017 more
How do you know if your depressed or just lazy? Well being lazy is just being not interested and not wanting to do much like cleaning your room, chores, ect. Being lazy might be just wanting to play game that take much energy and still make you amused or entertained, this can be video games, TV, ect. Depression is when the things that you would like to do you just feel like you cant or you wont do it even if you want to do it. I hope this might of helped! :)
Jun 12, 2015 more
When you reach the point that you feel like there is no point in doing things anymore and even if you want to change you feel like it's physically impossibe to perform tasks, then you might depressed. Without a professional, it can be hard to know for sure, but when life has lost it's meaning and there is such a mental block that performing that activity feels like running a marathon, then you might be depressed. Do remember though that depression can be different for everyone and it is best to seek the help of a professional if you feel like you might have depression, as they are trained to diagnose and treat you.
Mar 24, 2016 more
first you have to examine your emotions, if you have willingness to do something but your thoughts creates bad feelings and stops you from undertaking the action than you are in depression. This could be overcome by working on self development, and changing your thoughts and belief system
Apr 27, 2016 more
Because you are asking for help a lazy person would not reach out to someone. I'm hear to listen and help you.
May 19, 2016 more
You're unmotivated, but that doesn't mean you're lazy, it could mean that you're just depressed. You're depressed because of your lack of motivation.
May 20, 2016 more
Well, if your tired-out feelings are accompanied by a hollow feeling and are fairly constant, it's likely depression.
May 22, 2016 more
We are all "lazy" from time to time. It is when we feel upset and we avoid doing things that we must pay more attention. If our negative feelings are impacting our lives then it's time to reach out to someone.