How can I volunteer and talk to elderly?
Nov 28, 2015 more
There are online volunteer sites for contacting the elderly. If you have nursing homes near you, you can also contact them and ask if you could volunteer for them.
Nov 29, 2015 more
Go to the senior center or to a nursing home and volunteer. I'm sure they will be more than happy to allow you to volunteer there.
Nov 29, 2015 more
go down to the citizens nursing home and ask to volunteer and to help clean or cook or wash or play games and have fun
Dec 2, 2015 more
Respect them. Listen to them patiently. Show empathy. Show interest in listening to them.
Let them know that you are really listening to them
Dec 3, 2015 more
find the nearest elderly home near you and ask to volunteer there! get to know the people there, get close to them and listen to their stories
Dec 4, 2015 more
Go to your local hospice house and talk to the receptionist at the front desk about volunteering to accompany the elderly, I'm sure they'd love and appreciate it!
Dec 5, 2015 more
Spending time at local group homes and teaching skills you're good at. Things like art and crafts, light physical exercise and similar kinds of activities.
Dec 5, 2015 more
Do you have a local elderly home near you? Maybe ask there if there are any opportunities for you to volunteer. Or, if you don't know of any elderly homes, maybe ask a counselor at your school for volunteering ideas. Tell them that you are really interested in talking with elderly people and I think they'll have some idea of where you might be able to do that. I also think it's really great that you want to volunteer! Volunteering helps both you and your community. And, helping the elderly is a great way to do it! :)
Dec 6, 2015 more
It's really easy to go visit a nursing home and speak to the residents. There are some really good opportunities there to pull from someone's else's past and listen to them chat about their youth and the way things were when they were growing up. I enjoy speaking to the residents at my Grandmother's nursing home when I visit her.
Dec 6, 2015 more
You can find numerous elderly homes near you if you look up online in which you can volunteer to work at and spend time with them.