How can I stop with triggering myself to self harm?
Jul 28, 2015 more
Figure out what your triggers are and do what you can to avoid those. If you are around someone who causes you to self harm, you need to get away from that person. If you feel a certain way about a situation, change it if you can.
Jul 13, 2015 more
The first step to stopping triggering oneself to self harm is recognizing the triggers. After you recognize those triggers, minimize them as much as you possibly can. When you encounter your triggers, engage in some self-talk: "Okay, that's a trigger. I'm going to feel like self-harming and that's okay." Teach yourself to refrain, and slowly but surely, the triggers will lose their intensity.
Jul 12, 2016 more
I used to draw with a marker on the part i wanted to hurt. My psychologist told me to try this and this helped me alot.
Nov 5, 2019 more
Ask yourself what are your specific thoughts when you think you need to self-harm. It's helpful to attempt to put this a simple sentence, so we know what thoughts are leading to this action. Then we can slowly build a habit in recognizing the triggering events and then changing the thought to a coping mechanism you are happy with. Self- harm can come from not having enough control in the events proceeding in your life. We can currently have some control over our thoughts and actions once we have a better understanding of what our subconscious is trying to tell us.
Jan 26, 2015 more
First figure out what your triggers are. Knowing you triggers are the first step in getting them under control. Second find coping skill to use instead of self harming. Our self harm guide may help. It had alternates to self harm as well.
Jun 10, 2015 more
I consider self harm as a habit and what I did was to engage in something else when I have the urge to hurt myself. Or if that doesn't work, a rubberband on your wrist instead of a blade is a much safer method.
Sep 1, 2015 more
Try to recall when and why you are feeling this way, maybe even write them down. There can be many situations and feelings that trigger the urge, but as soon as you are aware of them you can start fighting and avoiding them. Try to go outside, meet friends or watch a funny movie as soon as you think you might trigger yourself again. Also throw away anything you normally use to selfharm and if you start feeling suicidal please get help from a professional!
Sep 12, 2016 more
Try to figure out which your triggers are, what is making you to wanting to harm yourself? When you've don this try to avoind them and if you ever get triggered go in to a room without sharp objects and such or try to call friend/family
Aug 7, 2018 more
Try to avoid the things that trigger you, and also create a safe place that you have in case you do get triggered. Also try and find methods besides self-harm that work to calm you down when you get triggered.
Apr 11, 2015 more
Try and take your mind off things. Video games, going outside, meeting up with friends or merely just talking with them all helps