How can I help people without money?
126 Answers
Moderated by Smita Joshi, BA Psychology / MA / Advanced EFT Practitioner
Updated: Sep 17, 2019
Sep 9, 2015 more
That's a wonderful question, you can help by volunteering to help people who are homeless eg. With am organisation such as the Salvation Army. You can help by becoming a listener at 7cups though many people do have money it's just a mixture of those who are in paid therapy and those who are not for whatever reason. You may also be able to do some volunteer work abroad or send out certain items, such as clothes to counties which have higher poverty rates.
Sep 12, 2015 more
You don't need money to be able to help others, sometimes it'd little kind gestures which mean the most to people! Signing up as a listener on 7 Cups of Tea is a great way to help people, it's free, very rewarding and you can do it for as little or as long as you're able to! :)
Sep 13, 2015 more
The two simple things I do to help people are to smile often and hand out kindness cards. Sometimes a simple smile changes a person's entire state of being.
Sep 13, 2015 more
You can help people by volunteering at charities. That costs nothing, and depending on the cause can help a lot of people. You can also become a listener here and help people who come on the website to talk.
Sep 17, 2015 more
Through volunteering, or fun sites like 7cups, you can help people locally or from all around the world. By doing a quick search for your community's food banks or other community services and signing up to help out, you can make a huge difference in helping the people around you, and it won't cost a thing!
Sep 17, 2015 more
By giving them money, yes? I don't see why I need all 100 characters for this simple, silly question...
Sep 24, 2015 more
I know I could help people without money but donating clothing, blankets, socks, and shoes whenever I can. I could either give them money for food or better yet, buy them groceries, which can last. I could also send them to a shelter near by so they have a place to stay or even just take a shower. Sometimes just talking to them, listening yo their stories can help brighten their day.
Sep 27, 2015 more
This site is 100% free, volunteer programmes, and helping the environment by picking up litter are all ways you can improve people's lives
Oct 22, 2015 more
the simple reply is to give them money but it may not be that simple. i would have you rather give them food or water or even a job if you can do it.
Oct 23, 2015 more
Well, it would depend on how in debt they are, setting up a fundraiser or charity fund for them might help, :)