How can I help people online in need?
Jun 14, 2016 more
Join 7 Cups of Tea as a Listener and begin helping people who need someone today!
Aug 19, 2015 more
You can join a site like this one and become a listener and help people through problems you may have gone through yourself.
Aug 20, 2015 more
You can start by simply listening to people and if they need any advice or help refer them to professionals who have the training and experience to help them.
Sep 23, 2015 more
Being there for them. Just talking them through things. Just being a friend can really help someone.
Oct 23, 2015 more
You can help them by being a friend and listen carefully to he/she. You can help them by listening to what they have to say.
Oct 24, 2015 more
If you want to help people in need, you can sign up to become a trained and active listener here at 7 Cups!!
Aug 19, 2015 more
You can become a listener on this site or other sites and listen to people problems :)
Aug 24, 2015 more
Lending an ear is the best way to really help someone. In today's busy world not everyone is lucky to have a friend who can really take time out of their busy schedule to listen and advice. Although it is difficult to communicate in details with some people who can be either shy or resistant in sharing their stories but listening and encouraging them to vent their feelings can actually help them analyze their own innermost thoughts and help them act accordingly. One should refrain from advising as it may not be justified at times and instead should focus more on active listening and empathizing which people nowadays look for.
Oct 29, 2015 more
There are plenty of ways to help people online in my opinion, I think volunteering on this site or a similar site is one way but I also think that kindness and politeness on other forums, blogs and websites is another form of kindness, telling someone that you appreciate their writing, that you thought "X" about their blog or that you were impressed. very often the internet is a place of anonymous hostility I think that together we can make it a nicer place for all of us with a little added compassion and understanding.
Aug 19, 2015 more
Provide support, allow them to express their emotions, give them solutions and help them come to conclusions and form a plan for success. End the conversation by providing them with further resources.