What's the best way to get over someone calling you nasty names?
Mar 30, 2018
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Tell yourself that those words don't define you. they are just words, and your friends probably dont think that of you so why should you believe it? You know who you are and your friends know who you are, the person calling you names doesn't NOT know you.
Apr 12, 2018
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You should let an adult know about this and not show the name caller feel that you are offended by the names being called, a bully loves making others feel bad, so if you show the bully that you care he will stop eventually
Jun 22, 2018
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Ignore them because they are only doing that for attention and if you give them attention then they will get what they want and win. Most of the time, the people that call you nasty names do so because they feel bad about themselves and want someone to feel the same way.
Jul 4, 2018
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It can be really tough to get over something like that. Words can cause so much damage. As hard as it may be, and what has helped me also, is to try to remind yourself that what others do and say has nothing to do with you. People who are negative to others often feel miserable with themselves or an aspect of their life. That in no way excuses their behaviour, but in saying that, people sometimes unfortunately try to bring others down to raise themselves above those individuals. But sometimes, people are just mean for no given reason. At the end of the day, what people say and do is only a reflection of who they are, not who you are.
Jul 11, 2018
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Just ignore it.They are doing it because they are contstantly thinking about you which is different from you,you dont thin about them at all.If you ignore it there is a huge chance for them to stop.And also whatever they say you know the truth,that you are beautiful just the way you are!!!
Jul 13, 2018
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Remember that you can’t please everybody. We aren’t perfect and we can’t please everyone and that’s ok because we are all different. Stop remembering what someone said negatively about you and start remembering more often about the compliments that people who really care about you tell you. That’s what you should focus on, the people who love you and want to see at your best.
Jul 27, 2018
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Just know that what people say is a definition of who they are, not who you are. If people call you nasty names, it is because they think poorly of themselves. Furthermore, if people spread positivity, they are most likely happy, healthy individuals.
Aug 12, 2018
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Take those insult and wear it like an shield, it won't bother you anymore if you know these ain't true, and most important, if they see they can't hurt you they'll get tired of it.
Jul 6, 2019
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It can be hard when people are calling you nasty names. One good way to cope with it is to just ignore it. If they see that you don’t care, they will most likely stop because all they really want is a reaction. If you feel like you need someone to talk to, you can ask a close friend or family member. You can also talk to anyone here at 7 cups! we are always ready to listen and it is a good way to let your feelings out. If it gets to the point where you need professional help, you can connect with a local therapist or a therapist online.
Nov 8, 2019
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The way others call you by nasty names , says a lot about themselves than you. So don't be bothered by such people . They don't have anything better to do in their life . So instead of worrying about such things , you should use those time to improve and love yourself . You should have a strong mind . Nasty name calls , shouldn't be taken into your heart . You should avoid such people in your life . And yeah don't let it affect you . Be with positive people and live happily . Cheers
Feb 19, 2020
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The best way to get over someone calling you nasty names is by taking a moment and think about how you are not defined by someone else. You define who you are. It is easier said than done but remember who you are. Remember what they are saying is what they are projecting onto you they are having issues within themselves that have nothing to do with you. You and only you have the power to define who you are as a person. Show them apathy and that they will not get a reaction out of you to put all your energy towards yourself.
Nov 17, 2020
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It's relevant to know that any arguement or fight does not give any man or women a free pass to endorse in name-calling against their significant other. You may feel obliged to defend their actions that indicate any sort of verbal abuse because you are in love with them and feel this is normal in a relationship if you have not experienced one before or feel the need to give their behaviour as bad as it is the benefit of the doubt. Please take a moment to reflect whether or not you feel safe with them - abusive relationships are not always about physical violence but can be about control do. Do consider whether you have sacrificed things that make you happy , hence is the love conditional on your significant others part ? Any form of verbal abuse should be responded in a diplomatic way by letting the person know you did not appreciate what they said to let them know what your boundaries are clearly. The effects domestic violence can have on children can affect their self-esteem and make them feel that the abusive behaviour between their parents is justifiable and normal.
Nov 25, 2020
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When a family member or a friend calls you nasty names it's only natural that it can impact on your self-esteem and mental health. But when a person makes the negative comments it may be a good idea to reflect on the place they were in when they made the comment to avoid any conflict hence it’s important to note that people you love may say things in a fit of impulse. Do reflect on how persistent their negative comments are and whether or not they are done to elicit a reaction out of you or for control over you which can be an emotional characteristic of a relationship involving domestic violence. It may be beneficial to write a blog about how you felt when they made the comment and how you would have liked the person to have shown kindness as well as how you would show kindness towards those making negative comments.
Jun 4, 2015
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Talk to someone you can confide in, someone who support you and helps you realize that you're not any of those nasty names the person called you. That it says more about the name caller than you.
Jun 17, 2015
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Just ignore it. If it was a bully they get fueled by seeing your reaction. Don't give that reaction.
Aug 31, 2015
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well, just believing that whatever they are calling me isn't true, for example if they call me stupid it doesn't mean that i am actually stupid, you gotta know your worth and no matter what don't be effected by what they call you.
Oct 26, 2015
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People may tell you that the best thing to do in these cases is to ignore them--and for the most part, it is for the best. But if they don't stop despite your attempts to ignore, and it reaches the point of harassment, it's probably for the best to report the matter to your parents, teacher/school counselor/other higher authorities. You do always have the option of confronting your bully and letting them know coolly that you won't take anymore of their taunting, but I understand that it isn't always suitable for all situations. Remember to be brave and believe in yourself, though! People may call you names, try to throw your life into flames, but remember to just breathe and tell yourself that you are WAY more worth than what others deem you to be. Have a great day!
Nov 18, 2015
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In order to get over what other people say about you, you must start by accepting and loving yourself. If you have this self confidence, their words will not be able to get in your way. I know it is a lot easier said than done, but it is 100% possible.
Dec 11, 2015
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try your best to brush it off, they have something deeper going on than what they wear as a front and so they take it out on others.
Dec 11, 2015
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I sometimes would tell the person in charge or my parents but most of the time I just ignored it. It made them think you didn't care.
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