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Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on May 16, 2015 more
Many people, men and women, sadly cheat instead of doing the right thing and breaking up with someone if they are unhappy with them. There is many potential reasons people do this. I think a large majority of them do so because they are looking for something that isn't being fulfilled in their current relationship, but also want the comfort of a partner to come home too.
Breakups can be hard
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Profile: ListenerJo
ListenerJo on Nov 23, 2019 more
I believe it hasn't have to do with "women"... people in general are afraid of breaking up because they are either used to the other person or they are afraid of being alone Having someone next to you its comforting, i believe that is why people want to have that guarantee On the other side, they are too cowards to say "i don't love you anymore". They can't measure the damage they cause for wanting to save that pain Cheating it's not for men or women, it's for disrespectful people who doesn't know what they actually want Don't be that kind of person
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Dec 2, 2014 more
Women usually cheat instead of breaking up because they are usually scared or embarrassed to break up with you. Cheating to them is less harsh in their mind but in real life it usually breaks their Boyfriends/Girlfriends heart. If you are one of those girls and you are reading this, think about it before you cheat on someone. It hurts way to much.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Dec 23, 2014 more
Why do men do the same thing? Stereotyping a behavior doesn't help us to understand it. Blaming women, won't help you understand what one woman did. Ladies, the same is true in reverse as well. We all make mistakes. We hurt each other. There are good aspects to human nature as well as bad. To err, is human.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Dec 2, 2014 more
Women need security and are unable to leave even a bad relationship. They might love their partner but feel like they lack something fundamental that makes them feel loved. They start looking for what they are lacking else where
Profile: KendallNichole
KendallNichole on Dec 6, 2014 more
People cheat for all kinds of reasons, unfortunately. Sometimes who they're cheating with could just be for sex, not an actual relationship. So when they have both sex and a relationship, they may not want to mess that up. Another thing is being afraid of breaking up with someone. Breaking up with someone is a really hard thing to do, especially because there are many reasons for why breakups happen. Cheating is a way of escaping what needs to be done.
Profile: ImHereIPromise
ImHereIPromise on Apr 12, 2015 more
Not all women do this. Some women do break up and mabye it just some women?! This makes no sense but oh well. We mean well honest but a women needs a man to have fun and felt loved with then they will drift off slowly......and then they cheat as they dont want to hurt you....and they do not think you will find out so in a way it is easier. I hope this makes sense! And helps...xx
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Apr 4, 2015 more
Sometimes people cheat because they are scared to break up their partner or want to be with both their parter and the one they are cheating with. Alternatively some people cheat because they get a thrill out of doing so which is very hurtful for everyone involved.
Profile: erinyes
erinyes on Mar 14, 2016 more
Women are predominately disposed to seeking out what they lack in their relationship. Whether that's an emotional or physical void, I feel that women are more inclined to cheat based on their perceived lack of affection, physical intimacy, etc. They choose not to end the relationship because they feel it's something they can still work on. They do not want to lose the person either because they feel insecure in doing so and/or they still love their significant other, but can't suppress the urge to cheat because of the before-mentioned reasons.
Profile: Brittneym101
Brittneym101 on Aug 6, 2015 more
All women are different, meaning that they all have different reasons as to why they would cheat. This goes for men too. I feel like people cheat instead of breaking up because they either don't want to hurt you by ending it or because they still want to keep you around. They want the best of both worlds. Is cheating right? NO not at all. I honestly feel like it should be illegal to cheat considering that they're diseases out there that you can get from doing so, but that still may not stop people from doing it. I would rather be broken up with before cheated on, but sometimes it just doesn't work like that. When you think you know someone , the truth is that you really don't. Always be cautious.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jan 19, 2016 more
There is no one answer to this, it varies depending on the woman and her relationship experiences, certainly someone who believes that 'revenge is sweet' after being cheated on by her boyfriend will return the favor. In another scenario, a woman who has been mistreated whether it be abuse or neglect may lean towards another man for emotional support....which can sometimes result in the development of a physical relationship. I believe that our actions are linked to our needs and whether that need is comfort, revenge, or just space to be alone, we act in direct response to those needs.
Profile: Uniqueg
Uniqueg on Dec 3, 2014 more
Not all women cheat instead of breaking up, the woman or women who've done that to you had there own reasons for their actions and their responsible for it not you so don't blame yourself or all women, I know it's hard to believe right now but there's women out there who won't do that to you.
Profile: SS2016
SS2016 on May 17, 2016 more
Women have a tendency to not want to be alone which is why they always prefer to have a back up plan, Of course it is not always the case, most often it is because they are in love with more than one person at once or are sex addicts.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Nov 20, 2016 more
I'm a man , but I can say that it might be because there's a part inside them still loves you and don't want to lose you but they can't take it anymore and be completely involved in a relationship that stresses them out I undersand that by any means it's cheating and it has no any other definition, but that's what i think is the reason
Profile: Quakey
Quakey on Jul 28, 2015 more
Women aren't the only culprits here. Both men and women can sometimes get "sexually bored" and quite a few actually admit to having been a cheater at some point in their lives. It's human nature that we have to do our best to block out of our minds.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Sep 21, 2016 more
I think that cheating is a sign that someone is insecure about themselves. A confidant woman that knows that she can be loved might feel more comfortable leaving and starting a new relationship. omen often stay for financial reasons or because they feel that they are not enough. Cheating is a passive way of dealing with relationship problems.
Profile: ThoughtfulEmma
ThoughtfulEmma on Jun 30, 2015 more
I think this goes for both women and men, we cannot generalize.In my opinion, (FYI I've never cheated before so I have no personal statement just an opinion) it is the desire for emotional connection that drives people to impropriety. Once one feels they don't have that with their significant other, the resort to cheating, trying to find that spark that was once there with their mates with someone else. Most cheating occurs after he/she has formed some close friendship with the person with whom he will eventually cheat. Not that cheating is ever justified; it is an ugly choice but when a couple is not actively engaged in nurturing their relationship, they risk danger. Other than that, there's other who cheat for the purpose of revenge, but over all there is no reason to cheat instead just break the relationship, it'll hurt but less than infidelity.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jan 26, 2016 more
Some woman can cheat because she loves both men. Sometimes, she may not want to break one of the guys hearts. There are quite a few reasons.
Profile: Kat140615xx
Kat140615xx on Sep 18, 2016 more
Not all women cheat on someone of a way breaking up, If they do there just a horrible person, I guess they think its the easy way out, instead of being decent and just being honest there not happy!
Profile: newbiebunny
newbiebunny on Nov 10, 2015 more
The same reason why men cheat instead of breaking up, people have different reasons of cheating before hand. Sometimes they cheat due to a spontaneous impulse and later regret, they could have something to lose and they get scared to leave yet still strive and have a strong urge to keep the affair. They understand what the current relationship has to offer, but feels the need to emotionally/physically be accepted, be desired, to desire. Depends on each individual why they would cheat before breaking up and that is something you could ask that person to get their motives behind it.
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