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My long-term boyfriend told me that my mental health has affected him and he just wants to be friends as though nothing more ever happened. This really hurts me. What should I do?

Profile: aturquoisezebra
aturquoisezebra on Jul 29, 2016 more
This must be so difficult, and speaking on a personal level I can only imagine how hurtful it must have been to hear that from someone you trust and love. I hope you know that you didn't 'choose' your mental health condition - we all have to live in this crazy world and face the brunt of so many difficult situations on a daily basis. What he said might make you feel that your mental health is your fault, but I hope you know that it isn't true. What is true though, is how you choose to deal with it, and how you step onto the path of recovery. Understand though, that what we go through might sometimes be projected outwards, and it might be taxing on the people around us, especially when they spend a lot of time with us and eventually (because of concern for us) they subconsciously shoulder our burdens too. Try to respect his decision, because a relationship and being with someone is a choice - and if he chooses to back out of it then it isn't something you can control. Perhaps at this point, take this as an opportunity to spend some time with yourself, and get yourself healthier and happier first, while he does the same. It might be tough, and a lonely journey, but I can bet you there are people willing to be there for you the whole way. If your long-term boyfriend isn't one of them, then that's just a fact we have to face. It doesn't mean you can't find happiness or love. Take this time to look inward and in the future, if it's still in your realm of interests, you could revisit this relationship.
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Profile: simplisticmoon
simplisticmoon on Jul 16, 2016 more
Though this may seem unfair to you, you need to consider his feelings as well. it can be difficult to be with someone you constantly worry about, but then again, if he couldn't stay with you through this rough patch, he probably wasn't worth it anyway.
Profile: Here4u2smile
Here4u2smile on Aug 10, 2016 more
Honestly. Love has a way of showing you that you can be loved with a mental condition. I also have a mental condition and I've bumped it to many men that have brushed me off. Keep him as a friend. And find your destiny. Someone who loves you will love you unconditionally and be with you through thick and thin. Love yourself first.
Profile: solabee
solabee on Jun 30, 2017 more
It sounds like maybe you both need a break to try and focus on your health. While you are in a lot of pain and going through a lot as you try to grapple with the reality of your mental disease, he has had to go through it with you, from the outside. This can cause a lot of pain and changes in his own mental health. The only way the two of you can continue to be healthy and to find a balance in your lives would be to seek help separately. If you try to pressure him into staying with you, when he feels it would be best if he wasn't your boyfriend, then it would only cause more pain and stress to your relationship. And if he were to stay just to save some you both the pain right now, it would also cause more pain and stress to your relationship down the road. It can be extremely hard to deal with both your mental health and the pain of a breakup, but if you don't get the help you need now, and if he doesn't get the space he needs now, then later on, you both will be worse-off, and might not have a healthy way to even stay friends because of the possibility of the relationship turning toxic for both of you. Of course I don't know the entire situation, but speaking from my own experience, I would say that it's always best to give people their space, rather than let your fear of being without them ruin your chances of actually keeping them in your life. Then you can use that time apart to also try and help yourself and gain some of your own strength. I hope you find some peace of mind soon; you really deserve it.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Sep 9, 2016 more
Sometimes ones mental health impacts people in a negative way & they feel as if they can't handle it anymore. Maybe due to changing in their lives. If you isn't willing to stay throughout your struggles, then kick him to the curb. He isn't worth it & someday you'll find someone who is. It takes patience and yes it hurts but hurting is learning and that only makes you stronger. Push through it ❤
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Nov 27, 2016 more
Hey. I am vision impaired and my ex boyfriend thought he could get away with saying something just as horrible. I hurt a lot and the pain lasted me for over two years. I haven't forgotten it. Two things that I have learned are: 1. I'm better off without such narrow minded, insensitive beings who are far from humane. 2. Those words have taught me to never let another excuse for a human get away with something like that. I'm a strong human being and I can put people through hell for saying or doing something bad to me or anyone else. Hope I helped. Take care. :)
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Aug 17, 2016 more
This recently happened to me! The best advice I have to give you is take some "me time" and try to help yourself. I know it hurts a lot, but if he can't help you to work things out then he was probably a more toxic relationship. Try to find someone ready to help take care of you when you're ready for another relationship. :)
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Sep 30, 2016 more
There is a possibility that your boyfriend was never interested in you apart from physical favours...Immediately getting out of such relation could be an option...
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Mar 3, 2017 more
If it hurts you then you shouldn't be talking to him. I've been in the same boat, if you're finding that it really does hurt talking to him then just tell him that you need a break to come to term with things, and if you find that that isn't working you should honestly cut off contact. Don't spend time with someone who isn't making you feel good or loved.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jul 24, 2016 more
You should take care of your mental health. When this has been taken care of....Discuss what type of relation you'd like to have with your long-term boyfriend.
Profile: uniqueMango45
uniqueMango45 on Jul 27, 2016 more
Understand that some people aren't as strong or readily resilient when it comes to helping someone with mental health problems. I'd recommend spacing away from him, in all seriousness though. It doesn't seem like being "just friends" immediately after will do anything more than hurt you. My boyfriend has to be reminded/explained that I'm trying hard with my mental health stuff because he's never experienced it and it's a fact I have to face.
Profile: bubblegumSoul2210
bubblegumSoul2210 on Sep 15, 2016 more
I think you should talk to him and try and see what is affecting him about it. That way you guys can work it out instead of losing something that you have worked on.
Profile: sweetPresence67
sweetPresence67 on Jan 10, 2018 more
The best thing to do is to first have an honest, open discussion with him about it. Tell him exactly how you feel, ensuring you do so assertively e.g. "I feel hurt when..." instead of "You hurt me when you said that...". It is important that you also invite him and give him the opportunity to explain himself and tell you exactly how he feels and his reasons for wanting to be just friends. There is no one answer on what you should do, because it depends on numerous factors: - the quality of your relationship - how much patience, love, commitment, empathy, coping skills and personal resources he has. - your coping skills, what sort of mental health struggles you are managing, how motivated and committed you are to improving your mental health With these factors in mind, it is ideal if both of you could discuss and come to an agreement of what is best for both his and your health and wellbeing, but that requires both of you having an open mind to seeing each other's perspectives and acknowledging that what is best for both of you might not necessary be the least painful. It might be that he is open to giving it another go, and both of you could commit to using strategies to improve your coping skills and mental health. Alternatively, it may be best that you break up, in which case it is crucial you prioritise self-care, being extra kind to yourself and seeking social support. I wish you all the best
Profile: felixthecat
felixthecat on Jul 25, 2018 more
Situations like these can be tough. However, if you support him and he believes that is whats best, then try to be there for him even if it is just as a friend.
Profile: Greatlistener87
Greatlistener87 on Jul 15, 2016 more
It will good if you be honest with him and tell him that you can give him the break he wants but you cannot just pretend that nothing happened.
Profile: LovelyKittyCat
LovelyKittyCat on Sep 1, 2016 more
Try to acknowledge his feelings too, maintaining mental health can be draining on both you and your loved ones. I would try to talk without placing blame and see if there are any alternative solutions. However, it is most important to take care of YOURSELF first. If he can't handle it, then it's his loss.
Profile: Zainab99
Zainab99 on Sep 26, 2016 more
Sometimes we have to let go of those people who doesn't wants to stick by our side through tough times
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Sep 28, 2016 more
Perhaps it is time to work on you! You are unique, and you are not alone in mental illness. Do something that makes you feel good about you. Speak to trusted friends, and family. Keep positive people close to you, and let the negativity go. This might hurt now, but in time it will fade.
Profile: endlesstory
endlesstory on Oct 27, 2016 more
Tell him that you can't control all of it, but you should choose. He may not like it, but you are being just the way you are.
Profile: BunnieLuv
BunnieLuv on May 6, 2018 more
On a personal experience, this of course, is very upsetting. We want someone by our side during the hardest moments of our lives, and by this time, someone backs out because of something that we wish we didn't have. It is okay. I am to assure you that the pain might not feel tolerable, but the pain passes. You are very strong! After all the times you stood and fought when not much people can understand you, what holds you back now? There is therapy. There are medications. There are friends. There are many healthy coping mechanisms waiting out there for you to be discovered. And of course, there is always 7 Cups of Tea. One day, you will look back and not regret that yes, after everything, you were strong enough to handle everything with your own two feet, and you will be proud of yourself for that.
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