How do you distract yourself away from always thinking about the other person? Is it okay to sometimes think about them?
Nov 3, 2015 more
Sometimes it is is hard to get someone out of our minds- be it an ex, someone who betrayed us, a friend, anyone. We just cant seem to get past it. It is natural to feel that way. The important thing is not to dwell on those thoughts, If it is an ex, then it is better not to have anything around you that reminds you of them. With time, learn to forgive them in your heart for your own good. Leave the past where it is. only then can you see the future..
Dec 7, 2015 more
Of course its alright to think about them. They were a part of your life at some point. Just don't get too caught up with it and reassure yourself that they aren't in your life anymore for a reason.
Mar 22, 2016 more
Yes it is ok to sometimes think about them.It would only be a problem if all you could do is think about them obsessively and it is disrupting your life in some way
Mar 9, 2015 more
I think it is ok to sometimes think about someone in our past. As long as it is not all the time. Once every 6 months, 9 months, once a year. I think it is normal to wonder about the people in our past, but also need to remember it is the past. They are members of our past for a reason.
Mar 16, 2015 more
It's ok to think about that other person from time to time. Hopefully you're remembering the good times, and not focusing on the bad. Distract yourself by doing things you like, maybe riding a bike or visiting a local park. And spend time with supportive friends.
Apr 4, 2015 more
Yes, it is okay to think about another person as it is a natural process. I would recommend finding new ways to keep your brain active and engaged, maybe try exercise or find a new hobby like drawing or singing!
May 11, 2015 more
This question isn't for me to answer, but for you to answer. If you find it hard to distract yourself away from thinking about one person then think about something else. If you can't, then do something that requires your mind to think. And if its ok to sometimes think about them? i honestly don't know. thats for you to decide. If you want to then you can, if you don't want to think about them, then don't
May 14, 2015 more
yes it is okay to think about them.. you may distract yourself away from them by meeting some new people
May 14, 2015 more
It is ok. Thats human. I do sometimes think about my x too. but we need to find something that keeps as away from the thoughts.
May 17, 2015 more
its okay to think abt other person.but dont cling to them...because u lose what u cling to.u can focus on urself instead.u can cling to urself. :) the more u love urself,u will be loved by the other person... :)
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