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I was wondering is BPD a big thing with many people? Like is it a common thing many have?

Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Nov 11, 2018 more
Borderline Personality Disorder is actually the most common personality disorder to be diagnosed, and that's those who have been diagnosed there may be even more people dealing with borderline personality disorder that aren't diagnosed
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Profile: GlowingDreamer15
GlowingDreamer15 on Aug 6, 2018 more
It is more likely than we might think! Between 0.5% and 1.7% of the world's population suffers from BPD. The numbers may look small, but this is millions of people!
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Mar 12, 2022 more
There is really no way to tell. There could be people who struggle with it who aren’t diagnosed. For me personally, I show a lot of the symptoms, but I cannot get diagnosed at the moment. There are also those who are misdiagnosed with it. I know that people who are assigned female at birth may be misdiagnosed with something else. Finally, people may not be diagnosed at all. Even if someone with BPD goes to a professional, they may tell them that they do not have any mental illnesses. (I am not a professional: my answers are based on what I’ve heard from people who have the illness.)
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