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Profile: mkehelper
mkehelper on Jul 22, 2016 more
You can look them up online, as this is public record, on your state's licensing website. If you are already seeing a therapist, you can ask them, as they legally have to provide you this information. Their license should also be visible somewhere in their office and their credentials should be listed behind their name, such as LPC, LCSW, PsyD, or PhD. If you don't feel comfortable with this you can ask the administrative staff at the therapist's office as well.
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Profile: silverlemonade
silverlemonade on Jul 7, 2016 more
Check on government/therapy/counselling/psychology association pages. If they are registered, there should be registration number and a profile.
Profile: softSugar96
softSugar96 on Jan 11, 2018 more
You can look on Psychology today's website. they have all creds listed and you can narrow your search for your needs and insurance.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jun 18, 2020 more
You can always research a therapist credentials and licensing and also research any reviews or websites they are apart of to get a better idea on who you could or would be talking to. If you do not feel comfortable with the therapists credentials or licensing that they have, do not settle. It is your decision after all and if you would feel better looking into more research, then by all means please do so. It's important to find the right therapist with the correct credentials and licensing in their line of work. The internet is our friend, but also referrals is a good way to start too.
Profile: Jing2010
Jing2010 on Apr 9, 2020 more
My personal experience has been by visiting my personal physician or nurse practitioner. They have a list of reputable counselors and psychiatrists who they will be able to provide a referral to if necessary. There are so many counselors out there and the last thing you want to do is to get a hold of one who doesn't meet with your personality. That is why asking your doctor or NP is such a good idea, because they know you and can direct you to a good fit. Congratulations on taking this monumental step and seeking therapy. I wish you the very best on your journey!
Profile: lilacbutterfly22
lilacbutterfly22 on Sep 17, 2020 more
To find out therapist credentials and licensing, you are more than welcome to ask them directly. It's perfectly normal and within your rights as a client to make sure that the treatment you are receiving and paying for is in line with the things you're looking to have treated. For example, if you're struggling with anxiety, you can directly ask them if they specialize in anxiety or have had clients or experience with that in the past before. You can also get a referral from your general physician or primary care doctor and see if they have any therapists with certain credentials that they can refer you to. Best of luck!
Profile: Jesse1285
Jesse1285 on Sep 9, 2016 more
Generally, a therapist will provide you with this if asked. If they have a website, it will often list education, state of licensing, academic honors, and other meaningful information. If they do not, you may have to contact them and ask for this information.
Profile: XConsolingAngelX
XConsolingAngelX on Nov 19, 2016 more
Usually most therapists have their degress and what not on their walls in their office to sort of display their success
Profile: YOYO7
YOYO7 on Feb 3, 2017 more
Each state has their own requirements for counselors to obtain licensure or certification. Some states have similar requirements while others may be entirely different. Finding those requirements via government websites, sorting through the pages of requirements and deciphering those requirements once found is a tedious has simplified the search process
Profile: MathewLutzMA
MathewLutzMA on Apr 8, 2017 more
Ask them for it, a medical profession by law if you are their client has to provide you with them if you inquire. I have individuals ask me for mine all the time due to my age.
Profile: Bodhisatta
Bodhisatta on May 4, 2017 more
Depending on which country you live in, you need to find the governing body for the licensing and then look them up on their website. You could also approach your therapist and ask them directly.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jul 5, 2017 more
I usually just ask up front. A therapist should be honest about what training they have had and should be able to explain what they can help you with. If you want to really understand what training they have gone through after finding out what they have, look up the state board they are licensed by and their requirements to become licensed in that state. It was very helpful to me in understanding what a therapist has done and has experience in.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Aug 4, 2017 more
I typically suggest using a search engine (i.e. Google, Bing) to look up registered therapists, counselors, psychologists, and social workers in your area. For example, if you were looking for a therapy in your city, search "registered therapists in _____ (your town name)". This will be a good place to start. You can also contact your family doctor, local hospital or health center and ask them for help finding a therapist to meet your needs.
Profile: BooksHugsandTea6370
BooksHugsandTea6370 on Sep 1, 2017 more
This answer is easy - you ask them :) Really though, you can call the office where the therapist works and ask the receptionist or whoever answers the phone. You can sometimes find the therapist's credentials online; especially if his/her 'clinic' has its own website. But really the easiest way is to just ask him/her when you meet. I was recently transferred to a new-to-me therapist and I asked her lots of things. But things like, what school did you go to? or when did you graduate/how long have you been working in this field? What sort of job did you do before that? ... and important to me at least, What is your specialty? Do you have any 'extra' training, verification, or certificates of learning? I hope this is helpful! :)
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Dec 9, 2017 more
Typically, this is something that a therapist would have on their website. If they have an office phone number, you could always call and ask.
Profile: politeVision
politeVision on Jan 19, 2019 more
When we go to a hospital nearby then we can find out whether they have a certified theraphist or not , all the theraphista are different when we visit them once or twice then only we come to know if he/she is really helpful and the best for us , so it depends upon individuals perspective and first or initial meetings to find the right theraphist at a hospital or clinic . So the best thing to do is visit a hospital or a mental health clinic and they will let you know the therapist credentials and licensing as it is their duty
Profile: MisoSmiley22
MisoSmiley22 on Apr 23, 2020 more
I would recommend looking for therapists/counselors on Psychology Today or a similar site. You can look up reviews, licenses, locations, etc. Something that I have always found very helpful is that you can search what topics they specialize in. This can be anything from anxiety to therapy with college students! Therapists usually also list the insurances they take as well, or if they run any group therapy sessions on certain topics. In the United States, most therapists will be either a LCSW (Licensed Clinical Social Worker), LCPC (Licensed Clinicial Professional Counselor) or a PsyD (Doctorate in Psychology). Some may have other additional titles or certifications in certain topics.
Profile: drewjiyrtbee
drewjiyrtbee on Apr 26, 2020 more
This is a great question. I would encourage you to start by by looking up therapist groups online, credentials for individual therapists should be listed on their websites. If you want any more specific credentials you can call the group by phone and ask if they have more details on their therapists, You will want to pick a therapist who deals with topics that are applicable to you and your situation. Another option would be to ask your regular licensed doctor for referrals to be sure you are dealing with licensed therapists who will give you the best care possible.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on May 27, 2020 more
A therapists credentials and licensing can often be found online (if the individual has a website), you can also search their name on the appropriate database ie. in Canada, a psychologist would be registered under the Canadian Psychological Association (CPA) or under the Canadian Association of Social Workers (CASW) database if they are a social worker. Depending on where you live, their credentials may also be posted in a frame in their office (In Canada this is mandatory). You can also ask the therapist directly about their credentials and licensing and what their qualifications are. Most therapists will have qualifications within a specific domain that they share as well.
Profile: amiablePond7294
amiablePond7294 on Jul 2, 2020 more
The best thing you can do is research! Typically, you do need a college education and licensing to do so. A friend of mine is a therapist and had to get her Masters Degree as well as doing hours at a facility and then take her licensing exam. It sounds like a lot of work, which it is, but if this is what you want to do- go for it! Definitely look into courses and degrees that can help. Once you get your foot in the door, the rest is learning. You will be required to do hours somewhere for credit! Best of luck!
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