What should I do if people think I am lying?
May 6, 2017
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Often in my life, I've been misunderstood. People have thought I was lying when clearly I wasn't. Sometimes, the truth is so baffling that it's easier to believe that someone is lying. Or maybe people get so stubborn in their beliefs that they can never accept an alternative view. So they think you're lying.
Hence, if people think I'm lying, I've figured that the best response is just to let them. Let them think you're lying...because it doesn't matter. You know you're telling the truth, you have a clear conscience. It's them who need to broaden their minds. It's them who need to see beyond their hardcore beliefs. People will always believe what they want to believe; trying to convince them hardly works. So, if they see it on their own that you're not lying, well and good, and if not, then feel sorry for them and move on with your life. :)
Nov 9, 2016
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I would try to support my points with my own experience. I would also tell them that it's ok for them to not trust me and I understand their suspicion but to listen to what I have to say.
Dec 10, 2016
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Ask them why they think you're lying. Their belief is generated by something within themselves, not within you and if it is impacting upon your life, then it is something you need to draw out of them with conversation, so that you can work together to improve your relationship.
Oct 30, 2016
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This happens to me too. A lot of times when I tell someone something about myself that is really cool or unusual, I am afraid they will think I am lying, so I try to seem like I'm not lying, which probably makes it appear more like I'm lying. I still haven't gotten over this completely, but it helps me to tell myself, "I am not lying, so they will have no reason to think I am lying". That gives me confidence in what I say and helps me not think about it so much. I also feel ashamed if I tell someone something that I thought was true but is actually not, but I know now that if the person finds out that what I told them isn't true, they will realize that I just had a misunderstanding of the situation. The other person won't focus that much on what you say compared to all the other things that they think about in their day, so it is unlikely that they will fixate on that situation and conclude that you are a liar.
Jan 22, 2017
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Be as clear and honest as you can. Let them do the rest. It is hard to be seen as a liar but if you did all you could to assure them, then it is or it is. The easier and ironically the hardest thing to do is not care. If you did that, props to you.
Jan 25, 2017
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Sometimes if that's what people think of you then don't surround yourself with people like that. If they think you're lying when you're not, then maybe you shouldn't be around them if they can't even trust you in the first place when maybe you haven't even done anything that would make them think that.
Feb 23, 2017
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Let it go, it is their loss if they think you are lying, if they don't know you well enough to know you aren't then you don't need them in your life. If it is something that isn't all that important then let it go, no need to get defensive because that makes people think we are lying more.
Apr 8, 2017
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If people think that you are lying about something then they probably don't trust you or you have lied a lot in the past so they feel that they cannot trust you.
You can try to earn their trust to get them to believe you or give them proof of it.
Jun 10, 2017
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Just be truthful.... slowly they will realize that you are honest... lies cannot be hidden forever..
May 26, 2018
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In my experience, it helps to accept that no matter what, some people will always question you/your stories. I try to remain authentic, to the point and patient. We all questions things, it's human nature, but if you remain honest there's literally nothing more you can do so be strong. Lastly, actions speak louder than words, you can always show people who you are instead of telling them :)
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