What should I do if people think I am lying?
Jul 14, 2020
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Dont take it as serious and dont waste your time to prove that..you are good...Just say i am not..if they really love they will come and say i trust.... so dont worry about other people words...you know you are doing good..then why do you want to explain to someone that person doesnt even want to believe you... so just leave them your behind and keep moving on..and the world doesn't stop if you just try to explain the person i am not lying... so keep moving and reach big heights...do what do you want don't stuck with others..just move on
Jul 16, 2020
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Clarify their misunderstanding and if they refuse to listen, make peace with the fact that you know you're not lying. You can not force others to believe your truth, but you can feel better because at the end of the day you know you were being truthful. Remember that the truth will always shine through.
If you are able to, clarify the misunderstanding with the whole group (everyone who thinks you have lied). It is up to them whether they will believe you or not, and you have to recognize and accept that. That will be the best route.
Sep 17, 2020
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Try to prove to them that I am not and have evidence. I would also ask them why they think I am lying and work from there with them to believe that I am an honest person. It will be hard to prove to someone that you are not lying since they already have that opinion of you. I can also ask them if they just think I am lying about a certain thing I said or mentioned and figure out what made them think I was lying about that certain thing. I would just hope they will end up believing me.
Sep 17, 2020
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If people think I'm lying then it's a clear trust issue and that's not necessarily a sign of conflict but the other person is expressing a disconnect in our communication. I would ask them why do they think I'm lying, not to create a debate or a need to justify myself but more of a platform for us to establish where the disconnect began. I want to understand them and I want them to be able to trust me and relate to what I'm saying to establish trust. My objective as a listener would be to be as open as I can and share my experience wit the topic and through that also regain trust in the relationship.
Sep 19, 2020
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Be comfortable in your truth. Life can be lived to the fullest when you live it for you and no one else. All that should matter is that you know you’re being honest. Trust that your integrity shines through and that others see it, if they don’t they are not worth your time. (Which is valuable)
Stand firm in your our truth, express yourself clearly and concisely and answer any questions asked of you honestly and to the best of your ability. Unfortunately you can not control another persons perception of you, but the knowledge you have done everything you can, will enable you to let it go guilt free and focus on yourself and energies that are deserving.
Sep 23, 2020
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It depends on what the lie is. If it is a serious lie that can be detrimental to you or others around you, then you stand your ground and stand up for yourself. But if it is small, minor, insignificant lies... don't let it get to you. You have to pick and choose wisely. If there is something I have learned- it is that people will always think something of you. Whether it is good or bad is based on you as a person. If you know you are telling the truth, then you know and God knows. So who cares if they do not believe you. You can say it until you are blue in the face and some will still not believe.
Oct 21, 2020
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people opinion matters when they understand you support you and are always there for you no matter what kind of mess someone have become. Thinking about those people who see you as a looser or who can are not even able to trust opinion should not make a person feel worthless or sad. Getting out of the way and making new way toward people who have support and love and the trust is the life you should be living as a person. Letting go or not let the things that they think of you might be helpful in case you have to be around them.
Oct 25, 2020
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If people have already assumed you are lying without examining the evidence, there is nothing you can do. It is not our responsibility of what others think of us. They have the right to think as they please. Our and your job is to accept it as it is and not try to prove our case or change their minds. Let it go walk away and let them hold that bag. As long as you know what you have said was the truth, Let It Go. We oftentimes spend to much of our lives trying to worry about what other people think about us or say about us, even get tied into the He said She said cycle. People are going to be people but we have to learn to be confident in who we are. You don't need other people's approval and you have nothing to prove unless it is to yourself. Noone else
Nov 13, 2020
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Nothing. You don't owe them anything. If they think you do, just calmly tell them that you don't have to tell them anything. If you're lying, you must have a reason, and it really isn't any of their business. If you feel they shouldn't know, don't tell them, it is your choice. Don't let them pressure you or manipulate you into telling them. Just tell them you have your own personal reasons for not telling them the truth, and politely ask them to back off. If they don't, you should cut ties with them and get friends who respect your right to secrets.
Nov 13, 2020
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I think maybe consider why you think people think that? Is it founded - has someone said this or is it a worry you have? Why would you have this worry - have you been lied to? Have you told a lie previously that you deeply regret? Not all lies are necessarily a ‘bad’ thing, often it is motivated to protect others. Regardless, perhaps confronting these people may alleviate your anxiety. It must be very troubling perceiving that others think this of you and evoke unpleasant feelings. I think this is something you can overcome and hopefully spend less time in your mind space.
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