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Should I tell my husband I cheated on him?

Profile: Dontjudge
Dontjudge on Feb 12, 2016 more
I cannot be the one to decide that for you, but i can help you by talking through how your feeling to see what you need to do.
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Profile: Lifeforyou1
Lifeforyou1 on Mar 20, 2016 more
No. There's is no need to tell every part of your life to your partner. When you can cheat on him you could even hide what you did. Cheating hurts. Getting cheated by your wife/partner is painful. Sometimes what is hidden gives you less pain than what is known. He is happy up now. Try to fix yourself by not doing it again and love your husband so it will compensate what you did. Stay blessed.😊
Profile: youcangetbetter
youcangetbetter on Feb 13, 2016 more
Depends. Do you respect him enough to tell him? Do you care what happens in your relationship enough to tell him?
Profile: RosieBlue01
RosieBlue01 on Apr 15, 2016 more
Yes. And you should probably ask for a divorce too because if you have cheated on the man you love then you can't possibly love him all that much otherwise you would not have betrayed him. Rather leave than be unfaithful.
Profile: positiveWhisper24
positiveWhisper24 on Mar 26, 2016 more
Our first rule on 7 cups is that we do not give advice, because we are not in your shoes, and the wrong advice can be harmful. However, here are some questions you might want to ask yourself that may help you come to a decision: Why do you want to tell him? (Is it maybe to relieve yourself of guilt?) What will happen if you tell him? Can your marriage survive the infidelity? (A lot of marriages do) Do you want it to? Do you regret cheating? If you do, and you're never going to do it again, why hurt your husband by telling him, if instead, you could carry that secret to the grave? Is there a problem in your marriage? Are you unhappy? Are you sexually satisfied? There might be something else you need to talk to your husband about.
Profile: SimplyBeing
SimplyBeing on Apr 13, 2016 more
Honesty in this case can do a great deal of harm. Any of our actions can bring cause harm if we aren't first aware of what we are trying to accomplish. One choice would be to find a way to forgive yourself. There is no situation that guilt can't make a little worse. Guilt serves to make us feel better about our actions without really addressing the behavior that led us there. Forgiveness requires that we first be honest with ourselves about the impact of our behavior. Once we come to peace with our choices we can then see more clearly what impact a confession will have on the person we wronged. You are the ultimate expert on you. Find a place of peace and ask the question will my confession hurt or harm? Does it serve me or him? Then make the best decision you can. I try to remind myself when I speak with another that the person in front of me is important and their happiness matters. I hope you find a place of peace. You both deserve it.
Profile: HelpWisely
HelpWisely on Feb 19, 2016 more
The best relationship is one where couples can be honest, frank and understanding with each other, accepting the flaws and mistakes of each other and forgiving each other at all times and letting go of the past.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jan 8, 2018 more
Every good marriage is based on trust and truth, regardless of you regretting it or not, the truth must be said in order to make things clear between you two and help you figure out what you are going to do from now on. Besides, it would be much more painful if he discovered that you cheated on him by himself...think about it. I hope I've helped you somehow.
Profile: reservedexcitment
reservedexcitment on Feb 21, 2016 more
I do not think he would be able to recover from that, and might have that suspicion in his mind all the time. If you are able to, I would say, just never do that again, figure out what you are missing in your marriage, i.e. what were you getting from the other man, and then have a discussion with your husband, asking if he could provide whatever that is, for you, because, you really need it. Stress that is important to you. We all make mistakes, learn from them and move forward.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Feb 28, 2016 more
Absolutely! Just asking the question shows you are ready to in my opinion. You intentionally destroyed the foundation of what a relationship is built on, trust. Own up to your behavior and speak the truth to him. This challenge will not be easy but it will put you on the right path to self discovery. I congratulate you for asking such a question and I admire the courage it took to even come onto a forum such as this to start your healing. -Robert-
Profile: Tiffanybuffa94
Tiffanybuffa94 on Feb 18, 2016 more
Yes I do it's gonna eat you up inside if you don't I learned from experience it's better to come clean about things because if they find out it will be so much worse
Profile: Backmos
Backmos on Feb 20, 2016 more
Yes, you will know your husband best, but he would probably prefer to know, especially if he found out you did it from someone else, his concerns might not only be that you cheated on him, but also the fact that you didn't tell him about it.
Profile: Fenixashes37
Fenixashes37 on Feb 13, 2016 more
First, you screwed up there. Either you gonna live with the guilt for the rest of your life. Or tell him and deal with the consequences but guilt free. Your choice.
Profile: kindSong20
kindSong20 on Feb 19, 2016 more
i dont think a husband will be able to take that his wife cheated girls on the other hand can forgive her husband but i do not think a husband is able to and it may lead to divorce
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Mar 3, 2016 more
I don't know the relationship you have with your husband, so it would be difficult to comment on it, but I do know that you need to be honest with your feelings. Why did you cheat on him? Is there some deeper issues that are hidden there? Do you think you still want to be with him, or are you just hanging on to a marriage and the cheating is likely to happen again? You have to first be honest with your own feelings on where you are in this marriage to be able to decide how you can talk about this issue with him.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Feb 18, 2016 more
Yes. You have to honest all the times even if your honesty is against your personal desire or need.
Profile: mroa
mroa on Mar 25, 2016 more
Yes. In order to maintain a healthy relationship, there must be trust and honesty between all the people that are part of it.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Nov 13, 2017 more
Every relationship is based upon trust, you would have to ask yourself would you want your husband to find out from any other person accept yourself? If the answer is no, you should tell him.
Profile: Skygivesyoulight
Skygivesyoulight on Mar 20, 2016 more
Ofcourse you should. Longer you wait the worse. If you love him tell him. Truth hurts, but better to tell the truth than a lie. Plus I'm pretty sure the guilt will get worse if you don't. Do it.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Feb 17, 2016 more
Yes! Honesty is the best policy. Sit him down and tell him what happened. Explain why you did it. He may be angry but this is better coming from you now than someone else in the future.
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