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Why can't I ever focus and why do I feel so stupid with everything?

Profile: GoldenRuleJG
GoldenRuleJG on Jul 6, 2023 more
It seems like you are very hard on yourself and want answers to what you're feeling. Sometimes the reason somebody can feel stupid is because they feel they are not getting the stuff deemed "obvious" which everyone gets. Perhaps your thinking and way of learning is not in line with everyone else. As tough as it is to look at, I would encourage you to be curious of whether others have made you feel less than in any way shape or form? Do you set your standards too high or do you feel you need to work so much harder than others just to understand things? If you feel this is the right step for you and that whatever your experiencing impairs your social life, academic life or work life, would you want to seek support from a doctor or GP to help you become more aware of your strengths and areas of improvement. We all have different perceptions of intelligence and the important question overall is what is beneath that lack of confidence in yourself - why is it there in the first place? You are welcome to request emotional support from one of our listeners on our site for a 1-1 chat or communicate in a group chatroom which feels like a community.
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