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I need to take an ADHD test soon. Does anyone know what it would be like?

Profile: GoldenRuleJG
GoldenRuleJG on Jun 27, 2023 more
Hi there. I can imagine you feel very nervous about getting an ADHD test soon. Assessments vary across country, age group (whether your a child or adult). Its completely ok to discuss this with your GP but is this an assessment you are trying to pass? If you knew the questions before hand it would not be a reliable assesment. A clear assessment could potentially ask you your thoughts on why you feel you have ADHD, your personal history in terms of your mental health, how you communicate with others, any trouble with concentration, impulsivity. I wish you luck with the assessment and hope you find what you are looking for. I hope this answer was of some help. Whatever the outcome of the assesment I hope the outcome feels positive for you.
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