How do I cope with so many deadlines all at the same time?
11 Answers
Last Updated: 11/26/2018 at 7:39pm
Moderated by
Lindsay Scheinerman, MA, LPC
Licensed Professional Counselor
My work with clients is to help them recognize and build on their strengths to find solutions for the conflicts presented in their lives.
Top Rated Answers
May 12th, 2015 12:29am
From my personal experience, the easiest way to cope with deadlines is to schedule and do a certain amount of work each day. Reward yourself for completing you set task and punish yourself when you do not complete the task. Plan it so that when the day it is due arrives, the tasks are complete.
Space yourself out. If there is at least a little bit of room between each, start with the earliest one soonest. If you have more work in some projects then in others, I suggest trying to do the ones with the smallest amount of works first so that if the end, you can't get things done, at least you met a couple of deadlines rather then just one. But above all, ranking them on which order to do means that whatever is most important to you should also come first.
Realize that nobody has infinite time and energy, and if you want to get more of something done, you'll have to do less of something else.
I can cope with deadlines because I am a planner. I am very strict with myself, and finish everything I plan. During that time I tune out the stressful thoughts. After everything is done I am really tired, but at least I got myself through it.
June 7th, 2015 7:54am
Make a schedule of all the deadlines according to your priority with dates of actual submission and a relaxation date so that you can make some revision or just take a break between two consecutive schedules.If need be use colourful stick notes on your work board,highlight dates with pen and try to relax by breathing in between when you need to cross so many deadlock hurdle
This can be difficult. But just learning to prioritize your work and your deadlines on whatever the matter is, can help you. You could start by enlisting help if needed or making a list of what you want to do and need to do.
Start with one at a time. Break the most urgent and major tasks down into small steps which will make it easier to stay on path.
Its about self motivation. Start with the easiest. Get a quick win pat yourself on the back and move to the next.
November 20th, 2017 11:07am
Making a priority list, dividing sufficient time to each project. Do not try to multitask under stress, try to concentrate on one thing at a time. Finish things one by one it helps in boosting you up as you can actually see your finished and unfinished work.
Take time for yourself and breathe slowly, practice some meditation if possible. The more you try to meet all those deadlines at the same time the likeliest it is that you become overwhelmed and very stressed, and that will only make things worse, with negative impacts on your self-esteem, confidence and even pride, among others. Organizing a calendar, a to-do list, prioritizing tasks, avoid procrastinating (that are loads of free online courses available on that topic, a simple google search will set you up), seeking help from parents, friends, professor, counselor, mentor or other relatives are all good practices. See which one(s) work best for you and stick to them with discipline and perseverance.
November 26th, 2018 7:39pm
Priorize which one you do first, make a list of how many deadlines you have and what day, so you can see which ones you have to do first! And do take some time for yourself, like an hour or two between doing the headlines just to breathe and relax for a bit. Remember to hydrate yourself and eat properly! Take care of yourself, even when you have a million of deadlines all at the same time, You'll g through them with a good rest between them. I suggest you'd go for a walk between at least two of the deadlines, because it refreshes your mind.
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