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How can I deal with being blamed for things that aren't my fault?

Profile: royalZebra65
royalZebra65 on Nov 2, 2014
Work Stress Expert more
Practice self-care. Unfortunately there will be times when you are unfairly blamed for situations but the important thing to remember is to be kind to yourself and love yourself - despite what is being thrown at you. Take time each day to do something for you and not let others negatively impact the wonderful person that you are (and you are!!). This is a fun website full of ideas and information on ways to be compassionate to yourself.
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Profile: Uniqueg
Uniqueg on Nov 18, 2014 more
Sometimes life isn't fair and you have to accept things you can't change, you know the truth and that's what matters the most, but sometimes you have to speak up and defend yourself
Profile: Shaymay24
Shaymay24 on Dec 18, 2014 more
At some point in life you will be blamed for something that isn't your fault. I have experienced that sometimes you have just take a deep breath, plead your case, and if the person still does not believe you apologize that they feel that way and move on.
Profile: LittleButterfly
LittleButterfly on Jan 2, 2015 more
From personal experience, the best thing is to keep the knowledge of knowing that the things you're being blamed for aren't your fault. Have you tried talking to whoever is blaming you to try and see if you can get them to see your side of the story? I know this is hard or can be hard to deal with. All the best to you!
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on May 8, 2015 more
I spent most of my childhood dealing with my older brother, who is a year older than me. Back then, everything he did got pushed onto me and I was getting the blame for EVERYTHING. I realised as the same thing kept happening every single time, I would just take it like a man and get over it, take my punishment. However, now we're adults, my parents have recently found out that it was my brother all along purely because of whats happening now (We've both moved out of mum and dads. My brother visits sometimes when I'm not there and the stuff that was happening as a child, is happening when he is home). So thats how they found out, they all apologised to me. The lesson is, if you can, just take it and hopefully it will work out for the best. -Anonymous, Personal Experience.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Mar 18, 2015 more
Tell the truth and explain your side with complete honesty. Let others know that you are innocent and talk openly
Profile: wandergirl
wandergirl on Sep 29, 2014 more
Well, if it really isn't your fault, then you don't have to be bothered so much. You can tell the people blaming you the real story, and if they still wouldn't believe you, it's fine. At least you know that you are telling the truth. :)
Profile: AwakenedLove1111
AwakenedLove1111 on Oct 16, 2016 more
Evaluate the situation. Identify your actions and take responsibility for your actions. If it is possible, let the other person know that you empathize with their feelings and express to them your intentions. You can even apologize for the issue of miscommunication and that you are sorry they are feeling that way. If they are not willing or open to hearing you out, that is their decision. Just feel good in knowing that you did the best that you can do to rectify the situation. You can not make people trust you, they have to be willing to do that on their own. You should not take it upon yourself to consistently prove your innocence to someone.
Profile: thisismejessica
thisismejessica on Dec 24, 2014 more
I'm very sorry you have to experience this. If you can stand up against it and confront the person, that would be great! But if you have no intention for confrontation, try to find someone whom you can talk to. It is not an easy thing to be responsible of things you did not do.
Profile: uniquecreature41
uniquecreature41 on Nov 18, 2016 more
If you know in your heart that those things aren't your fault, do the best thing for yourself (and the absolute hardest!) and walk away from whatever or whoever is blaming you. Truth is the one thing that survives after all time and recriminations are past. Trying to engage in a campaign of proving yourself can be fruitless but you can continue to do the right thing; people will always decide for themselves about a person, regardless of what they might be fed...stay true to yourself, don't play the same game as your accusers and keep your head high.
Profile: KingdomWorker
KingdomWorker on May 3, 2017 more
Sometimes I have to tell myself that I am emotionally stronger than my accusers. If they need to believe that it is my fault, I can live with that. Everytime I then come face to face with my accuser, I feel stronger and stronger knowing their faulty thinking is what they rely on,
Profile: CurlsAndWhirls4
CurlsAndWhirls4 on Nov 11, 2016 more
When you're blamed for something that isn't your fault, at work for instance, it is important not to immediately point the blame on someone else. Chances are, the other person doesn't believe it was their fault either. At the same time, you don't want to accept the blame and stay quiet. The most respectful thing you can do for yourself and others is to say that you're willing and open to analyzing where things went wrong and to work together to fix it.
Profile: soothingmind
soothingmind on May 30, 2015 more
there is something called as self. He/she knows its not my fault. better not to go beyond others words. keep in mind that things dont get better worryingg over that.. so just leave. be happy :) its your right to be happy. dont allow others to spoil that.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Feb 29, 2016 more
Learn to speak up for yourself when you feel like it's worth it. Evaluate each situation and see if you can accept the projected outcomes. If not, act accordingly,
Profile: retrouvailles
retrouvailles on Apr 14, 2017 more
The first thing you can do is to remind yourself that it wasn't your fault. It can be hurtful and make you feel confused when you are blamed for something that you didn't do. You can try talking to the person that blamed you in the first place and tell them how you feel. If they aren't willing to listen to you, the next step would be to take care of yourself. You can try and do things that will help you calm down, like maybe going on a short walk or painting. Being blamed for something that wasn't your fault can be disheartening because it feels like you can't even convince the person that blamed you that it wasn't your fault. The best thing you can do would be to give them a little time to cool off and then talk to them when they are a little more receptive.
Profile: MiralMichelMahilian
MiralMichelMahilian on Jan 6, 2017 more
You have to stick up for what you believe in, don't change your morals or attitude and respond with kindness, don't try too hard to prove that it is not your fault. Time will eventually prove the person in front of you that you did not lie
Profile: Flawlessinsanity21
Flawlessinsanity21 on Jan 26, 2017 more
Remind yourself that it isn't your fault. You have to constantly tell yourself you are better than this, what they say is false, you are a good person, you've done nothing wrong, their words are meaningless, etc. It will hurt to be blamed for things, all you need is that reminder that it isn't true and it's okay to let it go.
Profile: madhatterliam
madhatterliam on Jun 18, 2015 more
I realized that we are all only human, and that to be human is to make mistakes. Blaming someone for something they didn't do can happen to anyone, and the real goal to achieve in this situation is to be the bigger person, let the blame occur, and attempt to positively educate the individual afterwards on the reasons why you are not at fault.
Profile: HeyItsNicole
HeyItsNicole on Dec 4, 2014 more
You can tell yourself that you shouldn't blame yourself or feel bad for something that you know wasn't your fault. It is up to you depending on how much respect you have for yourself :)
Profile: eaglesmist
eaglesmist on Oct 15, 2017 more
Simply, you can allow it to pass over you. Realize that you are being blamed. Realize that yes, this was wrong. And then let it go. This does not mean try to forget, or try to take your mind off of it. Just allow yourself to be upset if that's how it makes you feel, allow yourself to cry, and allow yourself to feel proud of yourself that you realize that it's wrong and you'd never do something like that to anybody. And then, let it pass. And allow yourself to be at peace.
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