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I know God makes no mistakes on how He made me. But why am I dealing with mental health issues then?

Profile: rainboweucalyptus
rainboweucalyptus on Jan 4, 2018
Spirituality Expert more
Mental health issues are one part of the greater human struggle to live well within the world. If you believe in God (and I do), it might be helpful to think of this not as God making a mistake, but as evidence that the world is imperfect. We're only human. We aren't God, so we are going to experience struggle of various kinds. There is nothing wrong with you as a human being. But we as humans do live in a fallen world.
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Profile: ElephantTiger1
ElephantTiger1 on Jan 11, 2018 more
You are right, God made no mistakes when he created you; you are his son or daughter and he loves you greatly! But sin entered the world and then we were all forced to live with pain and suffering. But I believe that God could heal as at any time, and that means he can heal you too, as long as you trust him and have faith that he can. But God performs miracles in marvellous ways, sometimes some people may feel a whole body healing from mental or physical illness or whatever it may be but for others they feel small signs that God is working within them, like better days or reassurance from God that he sees you in this struggle. God does see you in this struggle and is hurt by the knowledge that you are suffering, but the things that God teaches you through a trial about anything from the depths of who you are to the depths of who he is, is pretty miraculous; and even through the struggle you may feel like nobody is there of you have gained nothing but when you look back on it, I promise you will see God's work in your life and how much you have grown with him. Please feel free to message me anytime if you ever want to talk more about this, I am always happy to try and help. :)
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Feb 8, 2018 more
We have to think about this too, Environmental factors and social factors are also affecting our mental health.
Profile: sillyseraph002
sillyseraph002 on Apr 26, 2018 more
mental illness is a struggle. everyone has a cross to bear as they say. the things in life that hurt can often be the things that help you to grow in maturity empathy and compassion as a person. no man is an island. if you are struggling, seek help, even if it is just a close fried that you trust. do not try to bear it all alone
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jul 6, 2018 more
I feel like your mental health issues are a way that God is wanting you to learn to trust, rely, and grow in your relationship with Him. He wants you to lean on him in your darkest moments!
Profile: orangecat01
orangecat01 on Oct 19, 2020 more
so many people deal with mental health issues, its just part of life. sometimes you have to dig deep into yourself and find what causes your mental illness. and sometimes therapy really helps. god didnt give you mental illness because he wanted to, he gave it to you to prepare you for your life ahead. just keep trucking on through it and youll learn to better yourself and find ways to cope as you go through this long journy of life. and dont forget to keep your head up you got this and your amazing in every way. take care.
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