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Sometimes I hear a voice in my head that tells me negative things like everyone hates me or I should kill myself. What should I do?

225 Answers
Last Updated: 05/27/2022 at 7:09pm
Perfect therapy for people who need help. I would like to say, I never can imagine it could be possible to heal people like that
Ta Tania
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Danielle Gonzales, PsyD


Hello! My name is Dani, I am a Psychologist and registered Psych Assistant. I have a passion for helping a different types of clients from all diverse backgrounds!

Top Rated Answers
June 11th, 2021 8:50am
Your feelings are valid. It's totally understandable that you're feeling this way. Do you think that it'll help if you consider that " I'm having the thought that everyone hates me". Sometimes it really helps to identify that thoughts are not facts. Do you think it'll be useful if you understand what is making you feel this way? There might be something someone said or did that triggered these thoughts. Maybe it would be really beneficial if you understood the root cause behind these thoughts. I understand that it is really hard when such thoughts arise in your head. I can imagine the overwhelm and confusion these thoughts are causing. You can consider talking to a professional if things get too overwhelming.
November 26th, 2021 5:11pm
If it's happening now, distract yourself. Find something to do (drawing, video games, movies, dancing, sports, etc. that don't remind you of things that make you think those things) or find something that engages your senses, especially your taste and smell. When you're not currently experiencing these thoughts, notice if there's anything that causes them so you know to avoid them. It's better to distract yourself from intrusive thoughts than to engage them. Unlike other negative thoughts that you can reason away, intrusive thoughts keep finding loopholes the more you engage with it. It's like a troll you're better off not talking to, because it's not there to reach an understanding with you nor teach you anything. It's just the same thing rehashed over and over, paraphrased, made specific, made general, asked what-if's and what-about's. It's endless, so you're better off finding distraction as a first aid. When things are calmer, build your safe space: a physical place, a virtual place, a person or group of people, a kit of sensory objects to bring with you. You might make things easier for yourself by also enlisting professional help.
December 16th, 2021 1:06pm
It is most likely a mental illness. Get an urgent appointment with a psychiatrist. If you need a referral you may go to urgent care. Stay away from alcohol and drugs as much as possible. Stay away from danger. Call a suicide hotline. Stay in company of someone safe. The voice doesn't speak truth, or wisdom. I'm sorry that you have to deal with it. It is treatable. It is a hallucination, or a psychosis probably. Thank you for being strong and reaching out. You have done something great. The voice speaks nonsense. Look at all our responses and know that this is proof not everyone hates you because we actually care
December 29th, 2021 5:28pm
As someone who has and does experience this, I would love to share my own coping and fighting mechanisms with you. My number one is challenging the voice. When that voice tells me to hurt myself, someone else, or any other type of negative suggestion, I ask myself 'Why?' - Is there a logical reason to do this? Why would I do this? What is the reason? - Or I find the fact - Why would people think that of me? I know I'm not a bad person, so realistically would they think that? Where is the proof? - No proof, no fact. When you can't find the logical reason to act on something, that shows you gain a positive or productive thing to your life, or you can't find the fact behind a negative self-worth thought, then it means it's not true and/or you shouldn't do that. Fighting our thoughts can be difficult at first, and these and simply some ideas and inspiration, but with practice we can learn to simply ignore those thoughts, knowing that they're not real, not logical, and are NOT fact. Please consult a professional if things don't work out for you and you still constantly have such thoughts.
January 19th, 2022 9:19am
I’m really sorry to hear you are experiencing dark thoughts related to suicide ideation. Looking into good things that have happened to you and how they have shaped you may help. Perhaps you can try to think about what is prompting you to feel as you do. Recalling and revisiting such incidents or scenarios in times where you think negatively about yourself can help you understand that these negative thoughts are more of a temporary outburst to a certain situation and not what you genuinely feel or want to feel about yourself. Identify those around you that make you feel happy being yourself and appreciate you for who you are - be more around them, let them know what you are feeling and why if you are comfortable sharing this - they will be the first ones to make you feel more deserving of yourself. Your other priority if you are experiencing suicide ideation would be to seek professional support from your general practitioner or doctor. Refer to for support organisations who are specifically trained in providing support on suicidal thoughts and intent. Taking the step to talk about your dark thoughts can be a challenge but it will pin point where you need help whether it be within relationships , trauma, addiction, medication , therapy, expressing yourself, finances etc. It’s super important you know these thoughts are not everlasting and can be managed in appropriate ways. Hope you feel in a better place soon.
January 20th, 2022 8:06pm
The voices will not hurt you. Start with telling someone, you don't have to go through the alone. Make an appointment with a therapist. Explain the situation, this will help begin the process of a diagnosis or medication.
January 23rd, 2022 2:49am
you cant always control your thoughts. the only thing you can really control is your actions and the things you implement into your life. you cannot choose not to have those thoughts, they come and go. however, you can choose to listen to them and let them control your life. something that is usually helpful with shutting out thoughts is to meditate. with meditation, you can clear out your thoughts and practice taking deep breaths, not only will this start your day or night with a clear mindset but it can help reduce stress. another thing to implement into your life is journaling. having your thoughts written down in front of you can help track your strengths and weaknesses and can help create a visual of what you need to work on. contributing healthier habits in your life can reduce these negative thoughts. good luck!
January 26th, 2022 2:09am
Hearing voices in our heads is normal actually. It may not seem like it because a lot of people do not like to talk about it but just know that you are not alone. Sometimes you just have to sike this voice out, show it that you are strong enough to overcome it. If you start to drift away from your heart telling you to keep going then you've given in to that voice but if you just remind yourself that you are loved and cared about then that voice will start to see you aren't alone and that you know your worth.
February 17th, 2022 10:23pm
Try to distract yourself from those negative walks. Go outside, find a healthy hobby such as biking and running. Maybe just go window shopping at the mall. Anything that'll get your mind of those negative thoughts. If this does not work, then seek help with a therapist or counselor (if you are a student). If you are not comfortable with that yet, then seek help from your peers and family. However, you should definitely seek professional help if you are hearing voices in your head. A lot of mental health disorders include this symptom, and there are professional ways to find help regarding this symptom.
March 16th, 2022 2:45am
Please seek the guidance of a licensed therapist or counselor. There are many great ones on this app! These thoughts are not healthy but you are NOT alone. You deserve support and you deserve someone who can listen and help get you some relief. I wish you the best and will send you good vibes as you find the best way to cope and heal from this. I am very sorry that you are experiencing this, but there is always hope. You are good enough and you are enough! Do not forget that and know that with the right professional guidance, you can overcome.
March 24th, 2022 4:58pm
Hearing a voice may be a medical condition like schizophrenia or bipolar disorder. One should see a doctor to be diagnosed. Once one is diagnosed with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder, the appropriate medication can be prescribed. One will most likely started on the lowest dose of a medication. Then, the medication will be titrated [increased]. Blood work will have to be performed before the medication is started. Blood work will have to be performed every time the medication is increased. One should record the medication dosage and the medication side effects in a journal. One should take the journal to show the doctor.
April 20th, 2022 11:44am
You can ask objective questions from the voice like who hates u? how do u know that the person hates u? Is it fact or opinion? and try to treat it like a little child throwing tantrums and not getting angry. I know it is hard to talk back and it may seem very likely that what the voice is saying is true but please don't believe it, You are much better, likable, and important than it says u are. If u find refuting it hard then write down the things it is saying it will help u look at them objectively.
April 22nd, 2022 4:40am
You should deffentily tell someone about those thoughts. Normally I would reccomend volunteerly admitting yourself to a psychatric ward immeditally witch is basically saying call the cops on yourself. Pychatrist, pyschologist and therapist that are trained to help with those thoughts can't fix your life for you. So It is up to you to fix what may be causing those thoughts. If there is no clear reason at all, then you most likely need somone in a medical backround to intervine. As I said from the start though you should tell someone. Anyone, don't have those kinds of thoughts and be alone with them, because you aren't.
April 30th, 2022 3:10pm
I, too, have negative thoughts pop up in my head, and at times feel that life is too much and it would be better if I ended it. One thing I learned from a therapist is that most of the time it is not that we want to end our life, but we want to stop the emotional pain and change the situation we are in. Connecting with someone you trust and a therapist would be a good place to work through your thoughts and feelings. Of note is also whether you these are thoughts in your head versus actually hearing a voice talk to you that is not there. Either way, if you are feeling low, talk to your doctor and seek a therapist you connect with.
May 27th, 2022 7:09pm
Remind yourself that that voice in your head isn't yours. It's not truly how you feel about yourself; only how external factors have made you feel about yourself throughout your life. Like people or experiences. If the past had a voice, this would be it. Be gentle and kind with yourself. Love and accept all parts of yourself and recognize your true value and what you're capable of. Remember how powerful you are. Remember what you deserve and that you have everything you need to give yourself what you deserve. Remember that there are people who do value and support you, even if you don't know them