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Why can't my mind stop thinking when I'm trying to sleep?

249 Answers
Last Updated: 09/04/2021 at 6:28am
Why can't my mind stop thinking when I'm trying to sleep?
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Top Rated Answers
July 10th, 2015 5:15pm
it isn't your mind! it is you! you really need to stop think in the bad things when you're trying to sleep :)
July 10th, 2015 7:25pm
Sometimes something may have happened during your day that is stuck in your mind. Sometimes its something you have watched on tv that stays there when you think your ready for sleep. Sometimes its your brain trying to process something you might have unconsciously forgotten during the day.
July 10th, 2015 10:41pm
When you're lying down, you've stopped distracting yourself from whatever is subconsciously bothering you. You're not playing video games, on your phone, watching TV, and so all of those thoughts kind of catch up with you! What's helped me in the past is writing a journal throughout the day to vent some of those thoughts out so they don't all catch up with me at night.
July 11th, 2015 5:06am
Sometimes it's because we are stressed out and have way too much on our minds and we cram everything in which keeps us up. Some times listening to music will distract those thoughts and helps us drift off.
July 11th, 2015 11:46am
because you are so thinkful person. think YOURSELF. and maybe counting the diifferent animals example ıf you like rabbits:)
July 11th, 2015 2:03pm
I try to sleep, but I can't. I know I need to but I can't stop thinking. I think about the events of the day, co-workers, friends, family, myself. I think about the meaning of things said to me. I think about reasons why this person acted this way and that person acted that way. I can't stop thinking because number one, I am an overthinker in the first place, and number two, the best place to overthink something is usually when I am alone where it's quiet and I am trying to fall asleep.
July 11th, 2015 10:28pm
Unfortunately, this is quite a common place problem. There are a couple reason it can happen, including when you're anxious or stressed, but thre are a few ways to help stop your "thinking" when you're trying to go to sleep. One way is called brain dumping, where you get out a blank piece of paper about 10 minutes before you go to sleep, and write down every thought that comes into your head. All your worries and wonders and daydreams all go down on the paper. often, this can get everything off your mind before you get into bed.
July 12th, 2015 3:45am
Often to calm down and get to sleep, I take a few deep breaths and play some relaxing music to help myself fall asleep!
July 12th, 2015 8:29am
When we go to bed we have nothing to distract ourselves! we are alone with our thoughts and our imagination and i think thats why our mind doesn't shut down. relaxing music helps me! the lumineers are a great relaxing band that always helps.
July 12th, 2015 9:23am
You need to make sure that the hour or so before attempting to go to bed is filled with relaxation, rather than activity. That means putting down your phone, turning off the TV, and doing something like reading a few pages from a book, drinking a warm glass of milk, and/or doing something like writing down your thoughts for the day in a journal. If you get all of that nervous energy out before trying to sleep, you'll find yourself better ready for slumber when you make the attempt.
July 12th, 2015 10:36pm
I don't know....maybe too much caffeine? Coffe, coca cola , etc. These things keep u awake and maybe u keep thinking about things cuz you can't sleep...or I could be totally wrong. I just wanted to answer this question~~~
July 15th, 2015 10:28am
Usually I find that I have things on my mind that i feel are important. If, lets say, I have had an argument I feel deeply about, I wont be able to sleep. I find that the best way for me to deal with these problems is to write down what I'm worrying or thinking about, getting these thoughts out of my head usually allows me to clear my head and finally sleep.
July 15th, 2015 4:48pm
Normally when I can't sleep because I'm thinking too much there is an underlying reason for it, whether it be stress or anxiety about a particular subject there is always something that takes hold and messes up my whole sleep pattern leaving me feeling very unrefreshed, so pinpointing the topic that's keeping you awake the most and writing it down in a journal can really help get things off your chest before you sleep and along with relaxation exercises like breathing and some relaxing music it can really help mellow you out before bed!
July 15th, 2015 10:30pm
Whenever I can't sleep during the night, I am always thinking about my future, about things occurring in school, bullying and such. I usually want it all to stop, however in the process of trying to get into the next day, we would tend to think about these things in the night and it's impossible to sleep. You have a lot of energy during the night :( in that case, when I can't stop thinking, I meditate!
July 16th, 2015 6:24am
Sometimes, our minds are running full tilt when you're in bed, simply because of the silence and the lack of distraction. There could be other reasons as well, but there are some strategies to try that may be helpful for calming your mind: Relax before Bed- light exercise, such as yoga or stretching, can help to tire your body out. Establishing a nightly routine (doing the same thing every night) can help too, as over time your mind will associate the routine with sleep, and you will grow tired easier. You can also read a book before bed, as sometimes electronics can make it harder to fall asleep! Visualization- Imagine yourself in the woods, or a place you enjoy. Build your dream house in your mind, or imagine a soothing presence (dogs, kittens, flowers). These will get your mind off the thoughts you are having, and slow everything down. Practice Mindfulness- Be aware of yourself and your environment in the moment. Notice the time on the clock, and that there is nothing pressing going on at the moment. Try to avoid thoughts of the future or the past, as they will cause you to ruminate further. Meditation- You can do an inner awareness or an outer awareness meditation. This involves either focusing on your body and it's presence (the sensations, feel of the sheets, your breathing, being aware of the space between your eyes, or between your nose and mouth) OR focusing on your external stimuli. Listen to music or soothing sounds, listen to the sounds of the outdoors, try to picture the room around you in your mind. Trying to calm your thoughts is really hard, and takes practice, but hopefully these can help some!
July 16th, 2015 7:38am
Because its the only time you have alone without any distractions and that you have time to listen to yourself more clearly
July 16th, 2015 5:52pm
The reason behind that would be that you have problems or issues that you are overthinking. It could be stress over an exam or a faint memory that you are recalling and thinking of or random thoughts and scenarios. These thoughts keep increasing as you start giving them importance. In the end, it is all in your hand. Try having a strict sleeping pattern and counting until you fall asleep. The numbers will distract you and avoid you from thinking as you will only concentrate on one thing.
July 17th, 2015 2:09am
Depends what is going on in your life. For me personally, my mind is always rethinking what happened during the day. What is keeping you awake can vary from basic thought to 'deep thinking'. Most members that I come across with sleep problems have anxiety-inducing thoughts keeping them awake. Simply find what is occupying your mind and try to switch gears and distract yourself to something else and hopefully this will help calm down your mind.
July 17th, 2015 5:08pm
When you're trying to sleep, you're not doing other things to distract your mind. Therefore, it tends to think about whatever it can.
July 17th, 2015 7:47pm
For me I try keep busy to stop myself from over thinking, so when sleep time comes my head starts to work over time , I have found guided sleep meditations on you tube to be my saviour.
July 18th, 2015 12:33pm
I know right! Sometime your brain just doesn't want to turn off; it wants to explore all these new possibilities with you and you literally just want sleep. Just take real deep breaths and eventually you'll doze off. :)
July 18th, 2015 10:15pm
This could be because of Anxiety and frustration , you may be worried about someone or something , try not to push the feeling away , because the more you try not to think about things the more you will actually think about them , Embrace the thoughts !
July 19th, 2015 8:49pm
Personally, I think we live in a time with many distractions. Not that a racing mind is a new problem, but one that is more prominent , now in our day in age. At night, when all the screens are finally off, our mind is on. Once it is on, it is like we let a starved bird out of its cage. Thoughts flapping wildly everywhere, with neither direction or goal. Keeping a journal of our thoughts is one way, I think, to give those feeling and ideas that needed direction. Letting them escape to a page makes them more manageable and less load the noise in our head. Sweet Dreams :)
July 22nd, 2015 2:25am
Often times, our minds can't stop thinking because we have either had a hectic day, or there are simply too many emotions going through us at that moment when we are trying to sleep. The accumulation of stress throughout the day tenses your muscles as well, and makes your breathing shallower than normal. This could cause a lack of oxygen to your brain, thus potentially making you more alert and jittery. Note: I am not a medical professional.
July 22nd, 2015 7:19am
I've found that my mind is so active when I'm trying to sleep because I've been avoiding certain thoughts during the day. Maybe you could set aside a time to think about those things you're avoiding and try to work them out (I do this by writing in my journal before bed). By the time I'm in bed I've gotten the thoughts out of my mind!
July 23rd, 2015 12:04am
From my experience, my mind has nothing to focus on in terms of what I'm going to do during the day, since the day's over, so I tend to reflect back on things that have happened (usually negative). It's kind of my allocated time for evaluation of the things I've done in the past.
July 23rd, 2015 1:51am
that can suck but think of calm things not about the next day or the past think of things that make you happy and what youd like to dream about and relax like your trying to sleep
July 23rd, 2015 7:52am
Too focused on something. Try to relax your body and your mind. Focus on your breathing or maybe count sheep. Something to ease your mind while you relax
July 23rd, 2015 10:47am
Your mind is trying to find answers to life questions and concerns. That is what it is meant to do. This is also why you may sometimes dream. It does not realise you may wish to turn it off. Try simple relaxation or meditation before you go to sleep.
July 23rd, 2015 4:40pm
Sounds Like stress try to clear your mind before you go to sleep practice breathing and trying to enhance the feelings of relaxation, and unwinding.