I'm stressed out and when I try to go to sleep I can't shut off my thoughts. What should I do?
271 Answers
Last Updated: 02/21/2022 at 11:19am
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Smita Joshi, BA Psychology / MA / Advanced EFT Practitioner
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Top Rated Answers
Concentrate on your breathing, on how your stomach rises and falls with each breath, listen to the sounds around you, feel your lying body, be aware of the pillow where your head is supported, how hot they are the covers, gradually let go of your mind the thoughts concentrating on that.
Try a meditating class, I used to have trouble sleeping because of stress,but once I started meditating I learned useful breathing techniques that help me relax and calm down.
I find meditation and breathing exercises are helpful. I focus on breathing and the feeling of my stress sinking into the soft bed, slowly everything else begins to fade away and I'm asleep before I know it.
When you are stressed out when you need to go to seep and you cannot shut off your thoughts, you need to calm down. You could calm down my putting background music on (soothing piano), or by counting. Counting doesn't work for everybody, but it worked for me.
Meditation is helpful when trying to sleep. There are lots of good meditation videos to listen to on youtube
August 6th, 2015 10:30am
There's a little trick. Try to repeat 0-1-0-1.. in your mind. You will fall asleep and your brain won't have the chance to bring other things in your mind because it is busy counting!
In my personal experience, listening to music helps when I can't shut my brain off and I need to sleep. If I focus more on the music than my own thoughts, it helps my brain relax and start going into sleep mode.
July 30th, 2015 10:26pm
Sometimes reading before bed can distract the brain and tire the eyes out, or even counting backwards from 100 can help you doze off as well.
Try doing something calming before bed. Remove and turn off all devices in your room. Open the window 15 minutes before hand to let in fresh air. Make a hot caffeine free drink like hot milk, chamomile tea or hot chocolate. Leave lavender in your pillow cases. If you still can't get to sleep try relaxation apps like white noise or rain
What I find is listening to some soft calming music helps, keep your phone off get comfy in bed, in a dark room, and let the soft music take over and should hopefully settle your mind to go to sleep. I hope it helps
Try breathing deep for few minutes, or may be count some sheep's. If you still can't go to sleep for half an hour do some activity off the bed, may be take a walk or read something and before trying to get back to sleep.
Breathing really helps, breathe in a deep breath and then breathe out and continue to do this for a few minutes. Another good idea is to invision you have a candle in front of you and then blow the candle out. Or you can watch some YouTube (quietly) if you really can't sleep. If it's really bothering you though and you're losing a lot of sleep then trying to find some relaxing music or videos can really help you start to regain lost sleep :)
July 23rd, 2015 4:01pm
There are various things you could do and I think it comes down to what relaxes you the most. Listening to soothing music can help, hypnosis, a warm bath, watching a movie and breathing exercises are all great techniques.
June 19th, 2015 4:29am
You could try several different things, or combination of things, such as creating a comfortable sleeping space, meditation, deep breathing techniques, etc. Then you could incorporate these into your routine, when you discover the things that work best for you. You could also consider discussing your options with a Doctor, therapist, holistic practitioner, or any resources you work well with.
One thing that is very helpful to me is simply focusing on my present environment. When my mind is racing and I am stressed, worried and restless, it helps to just calm down and focus on what is going on around you. Once I listen to the sounds, maybe crickets or my partner breathing, or feel the breath going in and out of my nose, I start to realize that what is happening right now isn't as bad as I thought. I am just laying there, in a comfortable bed, and there is no reason to be stressed about something that isn't happening right then in that moment.
Try to meditate, take a deep breath and focus to it. Then listening with a relaxing music will be helpful too. Don't be afraid to anything that's negative, just see it as a normal matter that can't be avoided and remove the thinking of "What IFs!" because after all if you fail, then it isn't the end.
Personally i listen too music or even a film too tire me out a bit of background noise will help shut of thoughts!
Try listening to music. Find the music that calms you down, download it on your phone and put headphones on. It could be weird at first but trust me you'll get used to it and soon you won't have any problems with sleeping. It surely helps me. :)
Create an evening routine that follows up to bedtime. Doing this routine will remind your body in the future when to get tired. Also, cutting off cell phone use/television/hearing bad news before going to bed can help.
I've always found that the best way to get away from feelings like this is to detach completely. I go on youtube and put on an ambient or relaxation playlist, clean the room as much as possible, make sure everything in my immediate area is secured, and lay down. I can usually parse my feelings at this point.
August 14th, 2015 5:32pm
There are several good things that you can do. One thing is, if you're worrying about remembering things for tomorrow, you can keep a piece of paper and a pen next to your bed and write things down. That way, you don't have to focus on that anymore. If it's general stress/anxiety, you could try progressive muscle relaxation and deep breathing exercises. Feel free to check out our self-help guide on sleeping well....it has some great ideas also!! https://www.7cups.com/sleeping-well/
Well if this has been constant you should probably see a doctor or a councillor. They are able to provide you with therapy or sleeping pills
August 15th, 2015 5:24am
Well. Whenever I csnt shut off my thoughts as you put it before I go to sleep I play relaxing music to try to help calm me. And I also try to think about good things that happened and avoid the bad thoughts.
In fact it is nearly impossible to shut off thoughts. don't try to stop. just observe them without involve emotionally. you feel light. then try to remember your happy movements for couple of minutes and then try to count 100 to 0 slowly.. very slowly.... very very slowly... . I hope you never come up to zero, because, in between you already fallen in tot deep sleep. It helped a lot of people. Why not for you?
Try to drink manzanilla tea it helps you to relax and sleep comfy, try to clear out your mind for a while
Try listening to one of your thoughts, usually you are skimming through every thought possible. I have noticed when I focus on just one of my many thoughts it leads on the thought train to sleepy town :)
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October 16th, 2015 12:21am
I myself have the same problem, I usually start by watching a some tv and lighting a lavender scented candle (They are proven to enhance sleep), to get my mind off the things that are stressing me out I avoid talking to any people that have to do with that a couple hours before laying down.. and I think about all the productive things I have done, and rather than thinking about all the things I have to do the next day I think about one thing and how I can get it done to avoid anxiety.
I would recommend speaking to someone about this thoughts... I've been there and it really takes a weigh of your shoulders
May 23rd, 2016 6:03pm
Take a melatonin, if recommended. Also, breathe in for 5 seconds, out for 10. Deep breathing helps.
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