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What do I say to people that ask about my scars without making them uncomfortable?

Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jun 23, 2016 more
Honestly, if they are asking about something personal like that, they shouldn't be uncomfortable with your answer. If they are, they have no business asking
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Profile: UntilThen
UntilThen on Oct 13, 2016 more
Well I think your answer should vary based on the age of people asking. If a child asks you I often tell them they're from a hard time where bad things happened and it's hard to talk about. They usually don't pry too much after that. If it's teenagers they probably know what they're from and are just wondering how open you are about it. This can be because they are looking to be cruel or because they are going through the same thing and want to know if you'll talk about it, so there you sort of have to make a judgement call on how kind you think this person is. For adults just explain vaguely saying something like "I was going through a hard time". If they ask more questions keep answers short. They will be able to only ask as much as they're comfortable hearing. I hope this helps :) more
Scars are something that people without them will never understand. For this reason it is hard to explain to these people what they mean to us and what they stand for. Personally I answer like this "these scars are something that show how strong of a person I am. They show how hard i've fought to get where I am now; and even though I may not have gotten to the light at the end of the tunnel, these scars are proof that I am trying"
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jun 23, 2016 more
If people ask about your scars it can be hard to explain as a lot of people judge. If you think the person is a genuine, down to earth and you trust them you could just tell them. But if it is someone who isn't so down to earth you could just say you have had a hard time and don't want to talk.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Feb 28, 2018 more
I say that I fell down when I was taking a walk in the forest and the twigs scratched my wrist, or I say that my cat scratched me.
Profile: zaatarHoney
zaatarHoney on Jan 5, 2019 more
Truly, there isn’t any one way to say it. I respond differently depending on who I’m speaking to. I’ve had kids I nanny say “Owwie? You got hurt?” This breaks my heart, but I say “Yes, but I’m okay now. So don’t worry.” Most adults won’t ask. Very few might. If they’re asking, it depends on how close to them I am. Are they someone I work with? Is this a close friend? Is this a potential partner or someone I’m dating already? Then, it comes down to- what are YOU comfortable with? Personally, unless I am in a low space and need to vent, I usually keep it neutral. I speak about it without emotion, and then switch the subject if necessary. But truly, there are definitely approaches for everyone. Trust that, you’ll always say what you’re meant to in each moment- regardless of the reaction. But remember that- your scars don’t make you any less lovely, or worth knowing. You have to feel that in your whole heart because it’s the truth. ♡
Profile: survivor371
survivor371 on Jun 23, 2016 more
you could tell them that you had issues with yourself in the past and that you have changed. just because you have scars doesnt mean you should be afraid to answer someones question. it was thier choice to ask and you should answer honestly :)
Profile: CaringNewt
CaringNewt on Jun 24, 2016 more
It depends if you are comfortable with telling them or not, if you think it's private just simply say "It's a bit private, I'd prefer not to tell anyone, I'm sorry". Feeling awkward typically isn't your fault so don't worry about it.
Profile: FizzyLemonade
FizzyLemonade on Aug 21, 2016 more
You could tell them that it's personal and that you'd rather not talk about it, or if you feel that you trust them tell them the truth. You may find that they want to help and support you.
Profile: Ady23
Ady23 on Apr 5, 2017 more
The important thing is to not make yourself uncomfortable. If telling them how you got the scars would make you uncomfortable then politely say that it is personal and ask to move on. If you feel comfortable talking about it and are ready for a conversation on it, then go ahead and tell them. It is really your decision.
Profile: Implode
Implode on Aug 9, 2017 more
What I say, is that it was an accident from something, and a realistic answer! Make sure you tell everyone the same thing. If lying is uncomfortable for you, you can just say I had a rough phase, etc. Sometimes being honest with your past is necessary if it's a friend! If it's just some random person, no need to tell them something you don't want to.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jul 7, 2016 more
Tell them they are your battle scars and how they convey how strong you are for pushing past your dark times
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jun 23, 2016 more
Answer their question with the understanding that what you are doing to yourself is not normal behavior. They have a right to be curious about it especially if you are displaying it openly. And so long as the query is done in a respectful way, just answer them and maybe enlighten them to your condition. Cutting is difficult for lay people to wrap their arms around and some face cringing is to be expected.
Profile: lina713
lina713 on Jun 25, 2016 more
What is said all depends on whether you feel comfortable telling them or not. Forget if it makes them uncomfortable, focus on yourself, and how it makes you feel. If they're prepared to ask a personal question, they really shouldn't feel uncomfortable with the answer- generally only people close to you ask personal questions such as this.
Profile: kindWhisper16
kindWhisper16 on Jul 27, 2016 more
You can say what you want, you should not have to change who you are because someone feels uncomfortable, you are you, and they are not you, they dont have your body, and the scars you have left make you well you and they should understand that, I am always here for you x
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Apr 6, 2019 more
I have scars myself so I know how uncomfortable and awkward this situation can be at times. I've had my younger cousins and brothers ask the question, to some friends who don't know a lot about self-harm. What I usually do, depending on the relationship with the person, is to just tell them. I have only told some of my friends when they have asked and not my cousins or brothers as they're too young, or were at the time of asking, to hear things like that. Your scars are nothing to be ashamed of, if someone asks about them and you don't want to talk about it or tell them, just say "it's personal". People tend to leave their questioning from there, if not and they ask something like "why", you can just say you don't want to talk about it. I hope this helps :)
Profile: Lovelycats7134
Lovelycats7134 on Oct 30, 2016 more
I think you should tell them . " I had a rough past and im still recovering from it," I think that should know something happened before.
Profile: SlowHealing
SlowHealing on Dec 31, 2017 more
You could tell them that each scar is a mark of the problems you have faced and conquered! :) Be proud of your scars!
Profile: Summerwish
Summerwish on Jul 14, 2018 more
Tell them that you were in a car accident or something like that you don’t have to tell them what they are really from
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jul 14, 2016 more
It depends on who the person is, some people could have gone through the same thing! Or maybe not. It may feel uncomfortable but being honest is the best way to go. After you explain where the scars are from, you can explain how you got help or how you don't do it anymore.
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