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Profile: Anushka1
Anushka1 on Sep 11, 2014 more
A panic attack can last from 5-10 minutes. However, there might be certain cases with waves for up to 2 hours too. Depends from one person to another.
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Profile: Courage
Courage on Oct 26, 2014 more
As long as it wants to... How long can I last? Longer. And I'm stronger with each one. :) They always end, but my job is to just hold on and take the best care of myself that I can in the moment.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Aug 5, 2015 more
I've had panic attacks for up to 4 hours. Ended up in the emergency room and passed out three times in one night because of it.
Profile: DapperRainbow
DapperRainbow on Aug 14, 2015 more
From my experience, a panic attack can last from a few minutes to hours, but the effects can last for days, and even come back in flashing moments of vulnerability. It's important to try and remain calm and ground yourself, focusing on the facts and trying not to focus on anything that could be manipulated by emotions. Breathing is important. These variables can help shorten the length of a panic attack.
Profile: IdkMeg
IdkMeg on Oct 8, 2014 more
My panic attacks may last for 30 minutes, or they may even last for a whole week. It depends on what I'm panicked about. It may even last longer than a week, until the cause of the attack (like a test, or meeting someone who intimidates me) is over.
Profile: Bethennie
Bethennie on Oct 9, 2014 more
Panic attacks can really vary in time length, depending on how severe they are. You can really shorten them by taking deep breaths, forcing yourself to identify and connect with your surroundings, and listening to peaceful music.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Nov 16, 2014 more
it depends for the person and on the type of panic attack. i have had ones that lasted for hours and ones that have lasted for minutes
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Aug 14, 2015 more
A panic attack can vary in length, and also in the way it is experienced. The good news is, in my opinion, that panic attacks, while undeniably uncomfortable, always pass. Every person deserves support when facing the challenge of panic attacks.
Profile: LindseyWillHelp
LindseyWillHelp on Oct 16, 2014 more
Well, I'm not an expert on this stuff, so I wouldn't take what I say to heart, but I'm pretty sure they don't have a specific span of time that they last
Profile: Savana13
Savana13 on Nov 19, 2014 more
It depends on the person, but usually it lasts 5-10 minutes, but it can come in waves for up to two hours.
Profile: SmileYoureBeautiful
SmileYoureBeautiful on Nov 18, 2014 more
The length of a panic attack differentiates from person to person, but usually don't last longer than 12 minutes.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jul 25, 2015 more
Generally speaking, the climax of a panic attack is no longer than ten minutes- but the full process can be up to an hour.
Profile: remnantshadow
remnantshadow on Oct 23, 2014 more
Panic attacks can last anywhere from a few seconds (mini attacks) to hours and come with any variety of symptoms from feeling slightly numb with pins and needles feeling to a full blown panic and the feelings of loosing your mind or thinking you're having a heart attack.
Profile: RaleighC
RaleighC on Oct 24, 2014 more
Panic attacks last minutes at most, generally topping out at around ten minutes or so. Some people require time after a panic attack to calm down and collect themselves though, so it's hard to give an answer that applies to everybody.
Profile: melissasue3579
melissasue3579 on Oct 8, 2014 more
it can average, different people have longer or shorter panic attacks. what your panicking also has an affect on the time period.
Profile: starryRiver83
starryRiver83 on Mar 14, 2015 more
Panic attacks can last anything from a few minutes, to an hour... the after effects of a panic attack may last even longer.
Profile: MissEpiphanyy
MissEpiphanyy on Oct 15, 2014 more
The duration of panic attacks usually depends on the person and what triggered it. If someone has multiple triggers and one of the more severe ones triggers the attack then the attack can last longer, another factor is the environments and if the tools needed to calm the person down are easily accessible or not. It all depends on the person.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Nov 2, 2014 more
It honestly can depend on the situation. Panic attacks are individualized issues that don't always follow an exact system.
Profile: Dailydaydreama
Dailydaydreama on Nov 16, 2014 more
Panic attacks can last longer for different people and situations there is no set time for how long each person will be effected by a panic attack
Profile: Dovah
Dovah on Jul 2, 2015 more
Typically a panic attack develops extremely quickly and usually reach their peak within 10 minutes, Most panic attacks end within 20 to 30 minutes, It'll adjust from person to person, but they won't usually last more than an hour (although you may feel very tired after) ! ^_^
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