Why do i always get so angry over the simplest things that shouldnt even bother me?
11 Answers
Last Updated: 06/28/2016 at 7:26am
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Top Rated Answers
February 1st, 2016 11:23pm
we get angry over simple things because sometimes we get so frustratedwith life so we start blame th
Right with this question I can see a lot of self-hatred and shame in you. It looks like you have been around of people who have invalidated your emotions. It's not about the little things that bother you, it's about the pain inside you. Little things can trigger huge amounts of pain. Because it's not dealing with the thing, it's dealing with the inside of you.
This could be due to a number of things. Try looking at how youre feeling in general. Are you stressed, tired, under-eating, under pressure/not processing frustrating emotions? all these factors could explain why one may not be able to control anger as easily as before
I suspect it's because you've got others things going on in your mind, stress, sadness, loneliness, misery, things you haven't gotten out in therapy or told your friends or family or partner... it's been bottled up so when small things happen, it's like the straw that broke the camel's back... so when you get angry, you don't get angry at the small stuff exactly, you get angry because of all these other things that've been going on inside of you for weeks, months, year(s), depression, anxiety, or something else that you're battling which can lead you to feel hurt and angry.
Because you care. Caring people get angry and feel more for small things that shouldn't matter but they do matter to you.
You might be a short tempered person. Good to do Yoga or meditation to amend the temper and relax.
It may be because you're holding in to much anger. You need to let your anger out some how, it's not healthy to let it bottle up inside or something like this will happen.
March 3rd, 2015 5:30am
Its only normal to somtimes in life have trouble with moods but i would recommend making a doctors appointment because it may indicate depression or unhappiness in your life
Maybe they do bother you. It is easy to feel like your feelings are invalidated because of what others say you should be feeling.
November 16th, 2015 9:48am
You get angry easily. Are you feeling low due to some reason? If so, that could be the underlying cause.
If you are having problems with anger, perhaps you should speak with a trusted healthcare provider, therapist or counselor to help you sort your feelings. There is also support groups you could seek for anger management. Try looking into your local resources for more information.
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