How can I stop being the 'me' other people think I am?
14 Answers
Last Updated: 06/10/2019 at 1:19am
Moderated by
Stacy Overton, PhD.
I am an enthusiastic life-long learner and also a professor of counseling. I have a passion for peoples stories and helping to guide and empower the human spirit.
Top Rated Answers
March 30th, 2015 10:52pm
Just be yourself and don't care about people's opinions. Don't ever try to change yourself, for other people ! :)
Stop worrying about what other people think about you! You are your own person and no one has the right to judge you for being you and you have a right to be yourself around others as they should accept you as we all have quirks.
Be your one true self. Live a full life, unashamed of who you are, no matter whom that may be, and other people will be unable to ignore it. Embrace the power of the self.
Take a deep breath and really think about what you want to say. Make an effort to always be all you!
By letting who you really are shine and showing people who you are and if they don't accept it then tell them to piss off.
Knowing that the person you need to like is yourself. Being someone you're not will only make you feel pressure. And that's never good. Forget what people think
Be a positive and optimistic person who is engaging in conversation and listening to the question and asking clarifying questions.
May 2nd, 2016 4:39pm
Ease out of who others think you are slowly. If they don't accept you for who you are, you shouldn't worry about what they think.
June 6th, 2016 12:02pm
Don't worry about them, just continue to be the 'me' that you already are, they'll move on eventually :)
If the 'me' you are is not the 'me' you think you should be, try surprising others with little changes that you can make to make yourself feel better about yourself. Then maybe you will surprise yourself with who you can be.
November 22nd, 2016 1:09am
I like being the me that people think I am because I am smart, pretty, nice and confident So I will not stop being the me people think I am
That's a hard thing to do since you're this persona around people, you fool yourself into thinking that's who you really are. Slowly break away from the character so everyone can adjust to the real you. Or you can do it at once. There really isn't a right way to do it.
The only way to stop being the 'me' that other people think you are is too. first, look deep down within and asked yourself why to feel compel to confront to these people perception of you. And once your answer this asked yourself what these people would do if you be yourself. I have had several relationship strengthen with being more honest with them and the ones that didn't accept me for being I discover it was painful that they are no longer involve but I am better off without them. In a nutshell just discover who you are and accept it. You have to be bold and have the courage to be you.
Becoming your true self can be a long and difficult path, but you already have the most important thing: to will to move forward and make a change in your life! Try to remember at all times what you are fighting for, why you are doing all of this. It will give you the strength to show you truly are, to express yourself. Make sure that people get the chance to know you for who you truly are: they deserve to know the real you, and you deserve to be your true self. Just try to be open with the people around you, and maybe start opening up to the people you trust the most first, so they can be by your side along this journey. Always keep your goal in mind, and turn it into your strength. Remember that, no matter how hard it will be, in the end being who you truly are is what will lead you to freedom - and freedom is the key to happiness. I wish you the best!
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