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LGBTQ+ Issues Q&A

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738 Questions
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Im attracted To only one person thats also a female. What does that make me?

Answers: 4 | Last Answer: June 18th, 2019 | 0

I've been in a secret relationship for 8 years! My partner is finally divorced n her children are 25 and 22. She says she is afraid to live how she really feels. Do I stay?

Answers: 2 | Last Answer: April 24th, 2018 | 0

How do you learn to accept yourself and come to terms with your sexuality?

Answers: 3 | Last Answer: July 24th, 2018 | 0

Why am I gay. I hate it. Why am I gay?

Answers: 4 | Last Answer: December 28th, 2021 | 0

What if called when you are both romantically and sexually attracted to women but I'm still romantically to men? I'm occasionally sexually attracted to men but only some days?

Answers: 3 | Last Answer: June 18th, 2019 | 0

How Can I furgure our if I’m bisexual? or if it’s a phase

Answers: 5 | Last Answer: June 14th, 2022 | 0

Okay so i have sexual arttaction but no desireto act on it. What sexuality is this if it even is one?

Answers: 1 | Last Answer: January 12th, 2018 | 0

Im questioning my orientation ?

Answers: 1 | Last Answer: May 7th, 2018 | 0

I live with my mom (who I'm out to) but want to be out (pansexual and nonbinary) with the rest of my family who live in different states. Any advice on how to accomplish that?

Answers: 1 | Last Answer: February 7th, 2018 | 0

I had a bad experience coming out as bisexual to my mom so I've put off exploring that part of myself for years. Now I have no idea where to start. How do you begin when you're late to the party?

Answers: 3 | Last Answer: June 22nd, 2021 | 0